Emily Atack Is Totally Fed Up Of Getting This "Compliment" & You Know What, Fair

It feels like a million years since I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here was on. Don't you miss watching celebrities struggling in a hostile living environment, undertaking hideous challenges, being hungry the whole time, and, of course, having to deal with bugs climbing up where they ought not to? Yeah, me too. I am sure the celebs aren't complaining about the after show-glow, though. All that attention must be pretty exciting. However, Emily Atack is fed up of a recurring comment she's kept hearing since leaving the jungle.
So it all boils down to the fact that Atack's experience in the jungle was the first time she had repeatedly been in the public eye without make up/hair/lighting going on. Since she left the show, The Inbetweeners star has been doing public appearances, photo shoots, and interviews, and has usually opted to present herself as she did before she was in the jungle. Normal enough, right?
Well, apparently not for some people. Many have felt it necessary to point out that Atack "scrubs up well." Even winner of the show and national sweetheart Harry Redknapp mentioned it during a TV interview with Good Morning Britain, when speaking about a potential romance between Atack and his son Jamie
"When I first saw her in the jungle I thought, ‘No chance.’ But I’ve seen her today, when she’s scrubbed up, and she looks alright."
The worst thing is, Atack was open throughout I'm A Celebrity about how difficult she initially found it being in the public eye without her usual image. As the show went on, we saw Atack grow in confidence and become more happy in her own skin, and, as the actress shared with viewers, make up was soon the last thing on her mind.
Well, Atack recently took to Twitter to announce she was flipping fed up of comments about "scrubbing up well." And who the hell can blame her really?
Yes, mate, you are absolutely right. Saying somebody "scrubs up well" effectively means that they look like doggy doo doo unless they pull and push and paint themselves to look a certain way. Anyone who only occasionally wears make up knows what it's like to have people's jaws hit the floor when they put a bit of slap on. And they know that slight feeling of hurt you get when you notice that people do often treat you a bit differently when you are dolled up.
Last year, some horrible person chose to write a nasty comment on Twitter about Atack's appearance when in the jungle, to which many people bit back. Fashion and lifestyle writer Susie Verrill called the user a "sexist," among other things, and Atack's sister was quick to back her.
Atack's decision to stand up for herself is absolutely right, and good on her for pointing out that veiled compliments are exactly that: covered in a veil of negativity, and in this instance, misogyny. And most people have about as much time for that sort of thing as they have to put make up on every morning.