Eden Needs To Chill Out On 'RHOBH'

Personally, I like the newest addition to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Eden is very refreshing and seems pretty down-to-earth considering the well-known family she comes from. It seems like all of the Real Housewives are just as enamored as we are with the newcomer. Well, maybe not everybody. Kim and Kyle Richards don't seem to like to Eden.
This relationship started to crumble right from the get-go. Last week, Kyle felt like Eden was pushing a little too much about her sister Kim and their relationship. Eden is a recovering addict herself and was trying to share her experience and advice. Unfortunately, it came off as prying and pushy to Kyle, so it was not well received.
Then, on Tuesday's episode, Kim paid little attention to Eden except for when Kim mentioned that becoming a grandmother was making her feel nervous and anxious again like a new mother. Eden questioned why she was suddenly feeling anxious about the birth of her grandchild and basically implied that it could be a trigger. Kim was not pleased, and neither were a lot of fans.
Kyle definitely gave her the cold shoulder later in the night when she left the party. Then in her talking head interview, she said "Well now I know that Eden is a drama queen."
I think that Eden means well, but she can come off as a little bit pushy when it comes to the subject of addiction. I think she needs to just let Kyle and Kim work their relationship out by themselves. If Kyle comes to her that is one thing, but otherwise, lay low Eden.