
9 Earth Day Memes To Celebrate & Inspire

by Chelsey Grasso

Not sure how to spend your April 22nd this year? Well hopefully these 10 Earth Day memes for 2017 will inspire you to get on your feet and help out the planet. Planet Earth is certainly not in the condition it was in decades ago, let alone centuries, and it's up to mankind to help slow down the process of its decay. Wondering how to do that? There are dozens, if not hundreds, of ways.

From smaller tasks such as recycling your garbage and turning off the lights in your home when you're not using them to bigger tasks such as joining the movement to stop rainforest destruction in Costa Rica and getting rid of your car to switch over to bike-riding, everybody needs to make their own choices about what they're going to do to help protect Mother Nature.

While these memes won't give you exact instructions (if you're looking for those, check out the single biggest thing you can do for the environment or this roundup of ways to celebrate Earth Day 2017), they will get you thinking. From serious memes that encourage loving the planet to chilling memes that show how rapidly we're destroying the environment, you will laugh, cry, and do just about everything in-between while scrolling your way through them.

Mother Earth, that is. (And your actual mother, too.)

And painting your body blue is one way to do it.

It only comes once a year!

Solid advice.

No, seriously, I hope you've always cared.

Did you have to toss the cake???

Now go share it.

Not with the way things are going these days.

Earth can do whatever it wants... it's Earth.

Images: Brandon Morgan/Unsplash; MemeCenter