Donald Trump Jr. Sent A Super Nice Tweet To Vanessa For Mother's Day

The president's son was up almost as early as dad tends to be to post on Twitter — in this case to celebrate a holiday, his family, and the mother of his children. Donald Trump Jr.'s Mother's Day tweet has four pictures of his kids with Vanessa Trump, and a sweet message to boot. It's so nice he might even have a future as his father's social media manager.
Using the hashtags #mothersday, #mom, and #momlife, Trump wrote:
Happy Mother’s day to the best mom in the world. Vanessa enjoy your day, you’ve certainly earned it dealing with those 5 munchkins and me.
The sweet thought was accompanied by a couple pictures of Trump and Vanessa with their five children. Some were family snapshots and others were clearly taken professionally. There were also two of Vanessa alone with a couple of the kids — Kai, Donald III, Tristan, Spencer, and Chloe — who range in age from three to 10.
Vanessa filed for divorce from Trump in March. The couple released a joint statement acknowledging the decision and noted that they "will always have tremendous respect for each other." This is not the first time Trump, Vanessa, and their family have been in the public eye since the divorce went public. The two also attended the White House Easter Egg Roll together with their kids in April.
Don Jr. was not the only Trump tweeting on Sunday morning — but he was the only one to give a shoutout to the mother of his children. The president also posted a message for Mother's Day; the official White House tweet even featured a video. In it, President Trump didn't mention his wife, Melania Trump, but focused instead on his own mother.
"I learned so much from my mother,” Trump told the camera. “She was just incredible. warm, loving, really smart, could be tough if she had to be, but basically she was a really nice person.”
The video cut to another shot and Trump continued. “So much of what I’ve done and so much of what I’ve become is because of my mother,” he added. “I miss her a lot.”
Both the president and his son have had their relationships written about. There has been just as much speculation about the president's relationship with Melania as there has been about his son's relationship with Vanessa.
The first lady largely stayed out of the public eye after the news broke about the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels for keeping quiet about the alleged fair she had with the president. The White House has denied the affair, saying the president "clearly and consistently has denied these underlying claims."
A Washinton Post article further explored the two's relationship — or at least their routines — including the fact that they don't sleep in the same bedroom and often are apart even for meals.
Despite the divorce filing, Vanessa and the younger Trump have perhaps seen less coverage in recent months. It could be because the problems are out in the open, but nearly all the exposés ended shortly after the divorce was announced.
Missing from Don Jr.'s tweets were any mention of his own mother. She has been in the papers for commenting on his post-marriage prospects. “Donald Jr. is a good-looking guy. He is successful. He is not going to have a problem to find a girl,” Ivana Trump told the New York Post in April. “Maybe Vanessa might have a little problem because she has five kids.... Who is going to date and marry the woman who has five children?”
Both the younger Trump and the president's tweets both focus on one mother in their lives — and which one may say a lot.