Zayn Malik May Have A Voldemort Tattoo & Potterheads Are So Here For It

May Harry Potter live on forever. J.K. Rowling's best-seller has inspired everything from a makeup brush collection to a trendy activewear line. Fans of the books and blockbusters are so into it that Potterheads have even gotten Harry Potter body art. That includes Zayn Malik, who may have a Voldemort tattoo.
When Malik isn't hitting the studio or caught in the spotlight with Gigi Hadid, he seems to be getting inked. The singer already has quite the impressive tattoo collection, so it's not the fact that Malik has new ink that's surprising, here. It's the revelation that his newest tattoo may be "he who shall not be named" that has fans analyzing his body art.
Harry Potter tattoos aren't hard to come by these days. Whether it's something as precious as a fans' favorite spell, a page number, or something as grandiose as a Hogwarts illustration, Potterheads have some of the most amazing body art commemorating Rowling's work. But Voldemort-inspired ink isn't your typical, happy-go-lucky Harry Potter tat.
It looks like Malik may be chartering into grim territory because his new tattoo appears to be the Dark Lord, and Harry Potter fanatics and the singer's fans are on board with it.
This isn't the first time Malik's body art has been heavy in the spotlight. The internet was once convinced that the singer had tatted his girlfriend's eyes across his chest. So, Malik's obsession with ink always keeps the media talking. His latest body art has Potter fanatics looking his way this time, though.
Malik's fans must have some pretty amazing eyesight. The singer was recently photographed with his legs on full display and super fans were able to spot a new addition to his tattoo collection. Some major super sleuthing and zooming in on the paparazzi flick revealed a sketch of Voldemort on the side of his leg.
As a tweeted photo compilation shows, the Voldemort drawing appears to be a shot of the Dark Lord during his final duel with the boy who lived in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 movie.
But there is speculation that the new ink depicts Voldemort battling the Flash. As highlighted by Teen Vogue, both iconic superheros have some things in common— notably Harry's life-changing lightening bolt scar and the Flash's superpowers coming from a strike by lightening.
There's no telling for sure since the closeup is grainy and Malik has yet to speak out about the tat. But it seems obvious that it is indeed Harry's from birth enemy making himself at home on the singer's leg.
Whether or not Harry is on the other side of Voldemort's attack, the Twitterverse is accepting the ink with open arms. After all, it does reference a cultural phenomenon like Harry Potter.
All it took was showcasing he was a true Potterhead to make some Twitter users like the singer even more.
Yep, this is one hell of a tat.
If the Twitterverse wasn't raving over Malik's body art, many were wondering how the new ink was spotted in the first place.
Those blessed with 20/20 vision were able to uncover the tat may be more than just Voldemort. If you look closely it seems Harry may be inked onto the other end of the tat, making for a complete duel.
Details or not, many are simply concerned with whether or not Malik reps for the Slytherin house.
Even without saying a word, Malik has shown that he's just as much of a Harry Potter superfan as anyone. To go as far as getting a permanent "dark mark" of sorts, proves he's totally into the series.