Did 'Stranger Things' Reveal The S2 Premiere Date?

Are you ready to get even more full-on hyped for Stranger Things Season 2 than you already are? I thought so. We all got to bask in the glory of the newly released Ghostbusters-themed image ahead of the Stranger Things' Super Bowl LI spot , but now, Stranger Things is upping the ante with a truly tantalizing image. Posted to the show's Twitter account on Friday afternoon, the image shows the Super Bowl weekend forecast, and it definitely looks like the weather is Houston, Texas is going to go haywire on the day of the big game. Is this image teasing Stranger Things' Season 2 premiere date?
Something wicked this way comes; at least, that's what the image this image portends. The Houston forecast looks relatively fine and dandy for Friday and Saturday, but come Sunday, it looks like all hell is going to break loose. Red clouds? Negative temperatures? This is unusual weather indeed and definitely not characteristic of Houston's regular weather patterns.
Which can only mean things are getting stranger than expected on Super Bowl Sunday. Now, we know that that's the day the Stranger Things' Season 2 teaser is premiering, but is there more than meets the eye in this image? I think so. Obviously, the red clouds with lightning shooting out of them is ominous as hell. You can definitely read that as a sign that something truly evil (the Demogorgon perhaps?) is making an appearance in the teaser and perhaps taking center stage in Season 2.
But it's also the "11"s that pique my curiosity. Having both a positive and negative "11" in the forecast is not only a direct reference to Eleven, but the fact that there is a "good" and "bad" version of the number implies something major about the character's fate. Are there two versions of Eleven coming back from the Upside Down? Will her personality split like Peter Parker's did in Spider-Man after he became Venom?
The idea of multiple Eleven's is tantalizing and could scan with the first teaser image we saw of the Hawkins gang — Lucas, Dustin, and Mike — all in Ghostbusters gear. Perhaps the boys thought that if they dressed for the role of heroes-against-monsters, they could send whatever evil version of Eleven is running around back to where it came from.
The "11"s also make for interesting premiere date speculation. While I like to think that it references Nov. 11. The date falls on a Saturday, which is not the norm for Netflix, who usually let their shows premiere on Fridays. However, would it just be a strange thing for Stranger Things to drop on a Saturday and thus stay very on brand? I like to think it could work.
The folks over at The Wrap, on the other hand, have picked up on a theory around the numbers in the Stranger Things forecast photo and how they add up to reveal a different premiere date. The way they deduce it:
Other than the 11’s, the image contains three sets of numbers: 58 and 67, 42 and 50, and 30 and 13. If you subtract the lows from the highs in the first two sets, you get the numbers 9 and 8. Subtract the two barometric pressure numbers and you get 17. Three numbers with the last being 17 looks a lot like a date: 9/8/17, or Sept. 8, 2017. That’s a Friday, the day when Netflix traditionally releases new shows. And voila! Mystery solved.
Crazy, right? We only have to wait one more day to have this mystery cleared up. For now, it's kinda nice having some fresh material to theorize about.