After what feels like a never-ending winter, spring is mercifully just days away. Along with longer days and warmer weather, spring also means a shift in the cosmos. If you're wondering how the Spring Equinox affects your zodiac sign, read on.
First of all, on Astro Fame, Astrologer Susan Taylor named Sagittarius as the luckiest sign of spring 2019. However, every sign will be affected when the sun enters Aries and the Spring Equinox triggers the astrological reset button.
"Aries loves new beginnings — it invented them! As soon as the sun charges up Aries energies on March 20, you may feel you can take on anything and win. Yet with Mercury retrograde until March 28, you’ll be wise to wait until April before starting anything new," Astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike advised on her website. She recommended using the first week after the Spring Equinox to tie up loose ends, take care of neglected errands, and harness the energy of Aries by engaging in meditation or other spiritual practices.
On Daily Horoscope, Intuitive Astrologer Simone Butler said that with Aries and the Spring Equinox comes the energy of youth. "Now we throw off the shackles of winter, break any chains that have hindered our growth and get ready to pursue some exciting new goals." While Sagittarius might be the luckiest sign this spring, the 2019 Spring Equinox has gifts for everyone.
Happy birthday, Aries! The Spring Equinox is your time of rebirth, and per usual you're ready to go full speed ahead. However, Astro Fame cautioned on its website that you'll be best served by taking it slow until the end of Mercury Retrograde March 28. "The key to getting through the hard times this spring 2019, is taking things on with a smile and daring to be bold," she said.
Taurus, you're generally not a big fan of change. However, the 2019 Spring Equinox will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone. "You like to be comfortable, and this dynamic trend of transformation may unsettle your senses," Yearly Horoscope said on its website. "Cultivate present moment awareness, and you can be a strong anchor in the winds of change."
Gemini, the 2019 Spring Equinox could have you taking a fresh look at your finances. If things are more dire than you thought, everything's going to be OK. "The Gemini personality has amazing powers of adaptability and will always find a solution to the problems they face," Astro Fame reported. You got this.
Cancer, the 2019 Spring Equinox is going to shake up your personal life, the Astro Twins noted on their website, AstroStyle. "If you're thinking of relocating, renovating or taking in a roommate, you could make some huge shifts under your own roof. Family is also in the spotlight. Your relationship with a female relative might reach a critical juncture near March 20."
Leo, the 2019 Spring Equinox could be a bumpy ride for you, Astro Fame revealed. "Frustrations and unforeseeable problems will plague your relationships and professional life, but don’t let these get you down and continue to hold your head up high." Remember, the only person's actions you can control are your own. Count to 10 before making any decisions.
Virgo, the 2019 Spring Equinox is going to unleash your creative spirit, the Astro Twins revealed. "This can bring a creative breakthrough or a pivotal moment in your love life. Whatever you've been keeping inside might emerge in a dynamic and awe-inspiring way." Ride the wave as long as you can.
Always-on-the-fence Libra, the 2019 Spring Equinox is going to have you making decisions like a boss. "If you want something, then spring is the best time to make it happen, so if you are thinking of launching a new business idea, go for it! The stars are on your side this spring 2019," Astro Fame noted. "The more ambitious you are, the more successful you’ll be, both in love and financially."
Scorpio, the 2019 Spring Equinox might bring to light some relationship problems that need your attention. Even though it may be difficult, Astro Fame suggested that you don't let these issues overshadow your other goals. "You are a very disciplined person and have decided that by following the rules, you’ll be able to accomplish your goals," she said. "Your intuition is an excellent guide, so be sure to listen to your gut feeling."
Sagittarius, the sun is shining in your sign as you enter the 2019 Spring Equinox. "The secret to success is really not letting things throw you off course. Spring will bring with it lots of passionate love and amazing success," Astro Fame revealed. "Your energy will be impressive and you’ll have no trouble getting people on board with your ideas."
Capricorn, as the hardest-working sign in the zodiac, you sometimes neglect yourself. The 2019 Spring Equinox is the perfect time to pause and pay attention to your own needs. "Dial back your social schedule and plan to spend quality time at home. Reconnect with loved ones and catch up on self-care," the Astro Twins advised.
Aquarius, after a long, cold winter, the 2019 Spring Equinox will lighten your load and bring back the fun. "Lightness arrives on March 20, when the Sun leaves your hardworking second house and moves into Aries, igniting your social and vibrant third house," the Astro Twins noted. "You'll be back to your breezy Aquarian ways, flitting among your fans and followers, hopping between spring hikes and (ambitiously) al fresco outings."
Pisces, just because your sign ends the astrological year, that doesn't mean you can't jump into Aries season like a boss. According to Astro Fame, the 2019 Spring Equinox is going to be a lucky time for you. "Use spring wisely and focus on launching both family and professional projects. Your intuition coupled with your creativity is really impressive and people are definitely noticing you more and more."
Overall, the Spring Equinox is going to be a time of growth and renewal for almost every sign. Trust your intuition and take advantage of new opportunities so you can start living your best life.