Aziz Ansari Learned Italian For 'Master Of None'

At the end of Master Of None Season 1, Dev and Rachel decided to follow their separate dreams ... on separate continents. Rachel was Tokyo-bound and Dev was following his pasta and style-loving heart to Italy. The trailer for Master Of None Season 2 shows Dev, played by the show's creator Aziz Ansari, in Italy — and, frankly, I'm jealous. And, Aziz Ansari even learned how to speak Italian for the role.
The first episode of Master of None plays like a modern, Fellini film with gorgeous Italian scenery, black and white scenes, food, style, romance, and Vespas. It seems Italy is everything Dev could have ever dreamed of — and maybe more. Viewers can only guess that with the Italian setting, Dev will be speaking at least some Italian. So does Ansari speak Italian? Or is he just memorizing Dev's lines?
In a recent "73 Questions" interview with Vogue, Ansari showed off his language skills, saying "I'm hungry," in French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Tamil, and, of course, English. When it comes to languages, it seems, Ansari is a jack of all trades. This leads the interviewer to ask if he speaks Italian? Ansari responds, in Italian, with English subtitles: "I learned how to speak Italian when I lived in Italy researching the script for the second season of Master Of None."
So there you have it, Ansari can speak Italian and an impressive list of other languages as well. Throughout the Vogue interview he also references foreign dishes, living abroad, and tailored suits. Ansari is the debonair man of so many women's dreams — oh, and he's funny. He really can do it all.