Mark Hamill Pays Tribute To Carrie Fisher's Humor

On Saturday, fans were able to pay their final respects to Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, whose public memorial service was livestreamed in addition to serving as a public event. Arrangements for this memorial service were made by Todd Fisher, Reynolds' son, who wanted to fulfill his mother's wishes that the public, whom she loved, could remember her. There were plenty of Reynolds' and Fisher's friends and family in attendance. Interestingly, Fisher's Star Wars co-stars Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford were not at the ceremony. But before you get upset, there seems to be a solid reason.
According to the Los Angeles Times, Hamill and Ford were not able to attend the memorial service, because they were traveling. Reportedly, this travel was Star Wars-related, although the details were kept mum as you might expect. Despite Fisher's Star Wars co-stars ending up unable to attend her public memorial service, it is quite poetic that the actors were tied up doing work on the movie franchise that made all three of them famous.
At roughly the same time as the service, Hamill posted a funny series of photos of the happier times he shared with Fisher on Twitter. The caption was so perfect: "Then there was the time she promised if I went 1st-she'd heckle my funeral. Fiercely funny-I know she would also like us all to laugh today." Well said, Hamill. Well said.
While they were not there in person, Hamill and Ford did appear in the montage dedicated to honoring Fisher. Amongst the home video footage and clips from Fisher's early film roles, a hefty portion was rightly dedicated to Star Wars. During the Star Wars montage, we got to see all three actors in their prime and deep in the cinematic world that they would be associated with for the next 40 years.
The entire memorial service was full of magical moments, but it was this segment that really struck a heartfelt chord. These three actors maintained their friendship over the years. Through all the ups and downs, Fisher, Hamill, and Ford made for an iconic trio; Saturday's memorial service was a real reminder of that fact.