Demi Lovato Is Opening Up About Her Sexuality, Even Though She Doesn’t Owe Anyone An Explanation

Next month, Lovatics will get a peek inside Demi Lovato's life, courtesy of her new YouTube documentary series, Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated. Lovato has already teased that she won't be holding back when her doc premieres on Oct. 12, but she also made it clear on Twitter that she's not trying to make headlines. She's just trying to live her life the way she wants — and that includes loving the way she wants, too. "Just because I'm [sic] refuse to label myself for the sake of a headline doesn't mean I'm not going to stand up for what I believe in," Lovato tweeted, clapping back at a journalist who said her keeping quiet about her sexuality is "total bullsh*t." The singer then added, "If you're that curious about my sexuality, watch my documentary. But I don't owe anybody anything."
It's a powerful statement that comes shortly after photos of Lovato at Disneyland holding hands with DJ Lauren Abedini hit the internet and many asked questions about her sexuality. Specifically, people wanted Lovato to define her sexuality, and she just wasn't having that.
In an interview with PrideSource from earlier this week, Lovato seemed to echo the words of her latest tweets. She explained,
"I just feel like everyone's always looking for a headline and they always want their magazine or TV show or whatever to be the one to break what my sexuality is. I feel like it's irrelevant to what my music is all about."
Lovato makes an important point that her private life is exactly that — private. "I like to keep my personal life as private as possible when it comes to dating and sexuality and all that stuff just because it has nothing to do with my music," Lovato told PrideSource. "Unfortunately, we live in a world where everyone is trying to get that soundbite and I am purposefully not giving the soundbite."
In that interview, Lovato once again said that her documentary will have her discussing her sexuality, but it's on her own terms. And that's why Lovato's quotes and tweets about her sexuality not being for public opinion make an important point. Her career and her music are fair game to critique, but she will live her life the way she feels fit. She's not looking to profit off her love life.
The pop star's "I don't owe you anything" attitude also makes the point that her documentary series will show Demi being Demi in every aspect of her life, but she's not going to explain or defend any choices she makes. She is who she is, and that doesn't need to be defined. You can just see it for yourself in how she lives her life. She lives out loud and she won't be apologizing for that any time soon.
Lovato has never been one to define her sexuality, but she's also never really tried to hide it either. After releasing "Cool For The Summer" in 2015 she was asked in an interview with Chatty Man's Alan Carr if it was about lesbianism. “I am not confirming and I’m definitely not denying," she said then. "All of my songs are based off of personal experiences,” adding, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with experimentation at all.”
For some, it may be frustrating that Lovato will talk about sexuality in her music, but not officially confirm or deny her own. But, the thing is, she doesn't owe anyone that information. As a supporter of LGBTQ+ issues, Lovato has made it clear that this community, whether she identifies as a member or not, is important to her. And when it comes to this topic, that's all that really matters.
But, this discussion is an example of how Lovato not only lives her life, but handles her career. She isn't going to do what you want her to or expect; she's just going to do what she needs to do. She'll share parts of herself if she thinks it's necessary and important, but she won't do it for the headlines. And she never has to.