Ugh. Dean. Sweet Dean. Deanie. My dear Deanie Babies. You were too good for this Bachelorette world, and you were given a bad hand on this reality television show. Dean was among my favorites on Rachel Lindsay’s season of The Bachelorette, and though he made it to Rachel’s final four, Rachel sent Dean home on The Bachelorette on Monday night. Sigh. I’m not the only unhappy one, though — Twitter is alive with fans rallying for Dean to become the new Bachelor.
I can’t say exactly where Rachel’s feelings for Dean skidded off the runway, but I think it was around the time that Dean’s dad couldn’t be bothered to talk to her. Dean has a complicated relationship with his family — his mom died when he was young and he has a contemptuous bond with his dad — and Dean was so uncomfortable throughout the whole hometown date. It was uncomfortable to watch, too — Dean kept saying he was “terrified” — and if that wasn’t bad enough, Rachel sent Dean packing right after. Twitter hated watching the date itself, and Twitter also hated watching Dean tearfully pour himself into a limo afterward. The only way to remedy this pain for Dean? The only method for Dean to get justice? Make him the next Bachelor.
I, for one, agree with this assessment. Dean would make an amazing Bachelor. He's smart, funny, kind, and sweet, and if anyone doubted his emotional depth, this hometown date certainly blew that out of the water. Sure, he has some family issues, but that's something that can be overcome. Family doesn't determine your whole life. Dean has his fans behind him, and they want him to be the Bachelor. Now they'll just have to wait and see if ABC listens.