
Why Daniel Radcliffe Thinks His 'Kimmy Schmidt' Character Is "Meant For" Kimmy

by Brad Witter
Originally Published: 
Daniel Radcliffe as Frederick in 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. the Reverend'
Courtesy of Netflix

Spoilers ahead for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend. Before Kimmy (Ellie Kemper) could have a fairytale wedding, she first had to find the perfect prince: Daniel Radcliffe's Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt character, Frederick. He's the 12th in line to the throne of England and, just like his fiancée, had a "peculiar" upbringing.

As explained in Netflix's new interactive special, Kimmy vs. the Reverend, Frederick "wasn't allowed a proper childhood." When he "was zero," his parents sent him to a Swiss boarding school where Kim Jong-un was his only classmate, and all they learned was "falconry and how to eat a banana like a gentleman." He never had any friends other than his nanny Fiona (Carol Kane), who he also chose to be the "best ma'am" in his upcoming wedding.

He'd also never had a girlfriend before Kimmy, who he met after writing her a fan letter about her book, The Legends of Greemulax. After a brief stint as pen pals, the pair went on vacation together in St. Tropez, and the rest was history.

"For all Frederick's faults, I think he's a very good match for Kimmy in a lot of ways," Radcliffe explains to Bustle. "I love the idea that he is the only other person who can see and talk to Jan the Backpack, and I feel like that shows that, as weird as it is, they're kind of meant for each other."

Courtesy of Netflix

Radcliffe points to his own parents, Alan Radcliffe and Marcia Gresham, as an example of what makes the characters work so well together. He explains that his mom's dad "was never around," and his paternal grandfather died when his father was very young. That shared experience is what helped them relate to one another.

"I think you can have versions of that," he says. "Even though Kimmy and Frederick's childhoods were not similar in any way in terms of the material conditions they were in, the idea of people growing up isolated and sheltered and still ending up very good, earnest people, but almost a little too innocent and naive to survive in the world on their own, is a shared experience that could definitely bond some people."

That's probably why, no matter what options you choose, Kimmy and Frederick always get their happy ending.

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