Colton & Tia Joked Around On Twitter After Last Night's 'Bachelor In Paradise' Episode

There's no doubt about it, Colton Underwood was the most-talked-about person during the Bachelor in Paradise Season 5 premiere. And it wasn't just Tia Booth who had Colton on her mind. Pretty much everyone on the show and the fans on Twitter were talking about Colton. Not only that, but Colton and Tia had a hilarious Twitter exchange about all of the Bachelor in Paradise drama after the episode.
Tia went into Paradise hoping to see Colton. Every time she heard someone walking down those stairs, she couldn't help looking up hoping to see him. Tia had no problem admitting that Colton was on her mind, but he did not show up.... until the day after Tia went on a date with Chris. As they say, the devil works hard, but the Bachelor in Paradise production team works harder.
Of course, Tia got the first date card when she was the only person who did not want it. Of course Colton showed up right after Tia was making out with Chris post-date. This is not their first rodeo. This is Season 5, after all. Sure, there were some twists and turns, but pretty much everyone saw them coming and could not help joking about the scenario — even Tia and Colton themselves.
It all started when the official Bachelor in Paradise account tweeted a GIF from the episode with Tia asking, "Colton who?" Colton quoted that tweet and added, "Me. The guy who you were over...then not over...then over, but maybe not?" That's a very accurate description, but was it harsh? Apparently not, since Tia chimed in with her own response. Clearly they are both in on the joke.
Tia responded, "And then you conveniently show up..." And it all concluded with Colton sending her a kissing face emoji.
Apparently these two are on good terms. Are they actually a couple? That remains to be seen, but at the very least, they're social media friends and they're entertaining us all with their tweets.
Aside from her conversation with Colton, Tia couldn't help poking fun at herself by tweeting, "Hi Colton!! 5 hours after I got home from my date with @ChrisRandone."
But Tia and Colton aren't the only people joking about the Season 5 premiere episode. The viewers had a lot to tweet as well.
1The Producers Played Tia
The seasoned viewers saw this one coming and Tia probably did too, but it was just so awkward to watch. She didn't want that initial date card and now she's in a new love triangle with Colton. As much as things changed, they really do stay the same.
2Tia & Colton *Could Have* Talked Before This
Tia and Colton had plenty of time to talk before they went on Bachelor in Paradise. Why did they wait until filming to acknowledge each other's existence? Oh right, to make some dramatic television.
3Tia Did NOT Put The Colton Situation Behind Her
She said she put the Colton situation behind her during that date with Chris, but we all know that wasn't the case — and that was before Colton actually showed up. This Tia and Colton situation is bound to dominate this season.
4Tia & Colton Aren't The Only Thing Worth Focusing On
Yes, there are lot of people tuning in for the Tia and Colton drama, but there are a lot of other things worth highlighting. Can we get a little more variety for episode two? There has to be some premium footage left in the editing room that could've been a part of this episode.
5Tia & Colton Are Dominating This Show
It's interesting to hear about Tia and Colton, but there has to be something else to talk about, right? At least a minute or two of something else would be great since each episode of this show is two hours long.
6They Have So Many Photos Together
They showed a lot of photos from Tia and Colton's date/weekend/relationship/hang out. The extent of their interaction is just so unclear yet again.
7Colton Was Mentioned A Lot
A summary of last night's episode: "Colton. Colton. Colton."
8Tia Is Clearly Into Colton
Sure, Tia did go on that date with Chris, but Bachelor alum Melissa Rycroft said what everyone was thinking. Tia is all about Colton.
9Tia & Chris Were Not On The Same Page
Poor Chris. The man was fighting an uphill battle on that date. They made out, but Tia's mind was clearly elsewhere. They were not in Paradise for the same reason.
10'BIP' 5 Is Basically The Tia & Colton Show
One episode in, and it already feels like the rest of the contestants are Tia and Colton's supporting cast members.
11The Sequence Of Events Was A Lot To Handle
So much happened in such a short period of time.
12Jordan Might've Explained It Best
Once again, Jordan came through with an on-point analogy.
Tia and Colton were the talk of the Bachelor in Paradise Season 5 premiere — during the episode and on Twitter. Thankfully they seem to be taking it in stride and cracking some jokes of their own. Will this season continue as the Tia & Colton show, or will there be more love connections (and drama) in Paradise?