After whittling down a crowd of 28 men to a mere four, The Bachelorette has started to turn the heat up on the remaining suitors. But some fans have been pretty sure that Garrett would take home the final rose all along. Despite the high stakes of the hometown dates, eagle-eyed viewers can spot all of the clues that Garrett wins The Bachelorette based on how the show has presented their love story.
Viewers of Bachelor Nation who have seen seasons of The Bachelorette before can compare how the editors of the show portray Garrett in comparison to other contestants and former winners. Of course, how all of this ends up until Becca hands out the final rose — and if Arie's season was any indication, even that isn't guaranteed — but this season has been driving audience's eyes towards Garrett from the very beginning. Through all the drama between Jordan and David or the outbursts of Chris R., Garrett has been presented on the show as a "light at the end of the tunnel" of sorts, a non-volatile choice of partner in the face of the season's most dramatic contestants, and someone that Becca obviously loves to make out with. Just in case you're not convinced, here are some of the other clues that a wedding is in Becca and Garrett's future.
Garrett Has Been Conflict-Free
If Garrett disagrees with any of his fellow contestants or believes that they're not "there for the right reasons," it seems he hasn't explicitly expressed those thoughts. If he has, he certainly hasn't with Becca. This is a great sign for Garrett, since so far Becca's ditched every single dude who tried to smear someone else, for better or worse.
She Believes He'll "Fit In" With Her Family
During the first episode, Becca remarked that she could see Garrett fitting in with her friends and family – and she mentioned this after only one evening that was also shared with a bunch of other guys. Family is important to Becca, and it's no mistake that the show made sure audiences heard that Becca was imagining Garrett as part of her family right from the very start.
He Got The First Impression Rose
The past three Bachelorette seasons ended with the person who was given the first impression rose becoming the last man standing at the end of the season. This series' quest to prove that love at first sight is real could result in this phenomenon continuing for a fourth consecutive season. It's starting to become quite the tell for people putting their Bachelorette brackets together.
She Didn't Know About His Instagram Drama
After the premiere this season, some fans discovered that Garrett reportedly liked a variety of offensive memes on Instagram mocking feminists, Colin Kaepernick, immigrants, Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg, and the transgender community. Considering Becca's actively anti-Trump Instagram presence, his conservative political takes may clash with hers. However, she reportedly didn't know any of this during the filming of The Bachelorette, which means he still had a good shot.
In response to the scandal, Becca told E! News that "I've just been so busy traveling around the country with press that I haven't really been able to read too much up on it, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions." The fact that Becca didn't come out stronger against Garrett's views (or at least the views he taps "like" on on Instagram) hints that she's still concerned enough about Garrett's feelings to not call him out in public. Perhaps they had this conversation in private after he got the final rose?
They've Already Worked Through His Past
Everyone on The Bachelorette has that one Very Emotional Story to share on their one-on-one date. Early on in the season, Garrett shared that he was married once before, which seemed to be something that resonated with Becca since she had just gone through a pretty monumental break-up with Arie. That fact that she embraced his most personal relationship detail that he was willing to share on television – as opposed to going to take a walk mid-date like she did with Colton – shows that Becca has already laid the internal groundwork for their relationship.
Becca and Garrett have had an emotional arc presented throughout the entire season, and it looks like it will culminate in a proposal once their televised journey reaches its conclusion. While anything can happen between hometowns and the final rose, it looks like Garrett and Becca may end up getting their happily ever after.