Be warned, watching the new trailer for Master Of None Season 2 will give you some serious Eat, Pray, Love vibes. Dev Shah (Aziz Ansari) travels to Italy with his Big Bud Arnold Baumheiser (Eric Wareheim) to ride vespas, drink espresso, and get over his breakup with Rachel (Noel Wells). Don't worry, Dev isn't completely running away from his heartbreak, since New York City is the main backdrop. That's just one of several clues about Master of None Season 2, based on the trailer. Love seems to again be a mainstay on the new season of the Netflix original, premiering May 12. Though, it might be Dev's lack of it that is the true theme. It's hard not to notice that he's going on a lot of dates in this teaser. Wearing a very sharp velvet suit, might I add.
That's what you can pick up on the first viewing of this trailer, but watch it again, and then again, and you start to notice that there are a few things to unpack here. Questions that need answers, like what is John Legend doing here? And, why does everyone seem to be wearing Jabbawockeez masks? Also, where the heck is Rachel, and can we expect her to be back? Seriously, I need some closure after that breakup.
Take a closer look at this trailer above, and you may get some serious clues of what Ansari has in store for fans this season.
1Those Black & White Shots
The trailer starts with a black-and-white shot of Dev riding his bike through the streets of Italy before sipping on espresso. It's all very Felliniesque. Throughout the trailer, the color disappears, but why? It must hold some kind of meaning, right? It could be that these are shots of the past. That these are scenes of what Dev was up to while the show was away.
As we saw in the final moments of the Season 1 finale, Dev was moving to Italy to attend pasta-making school and wasn't sure when he was coming back. This could be what we missed. Though, it definitely makes you wonder why he came back.
2A Big Break, Perhaps?
Clearly, Dev is sitting backstage in front of a makeup mirror, meaning this actor clearly has a gig. Being that the hip-hop dance crew, the Jabbawockeez, is all over this trailer — hello, Arnold and Brian are wearing the masks — it's a good guess that Dev's job has something to do with them. Could he be emceeing an event, or has he decided to become a dancer?
There is a shot of the Jabbawockeez performing, and that guy in the front does seem like just the right height to be Dev. Or is this an event where Dev, like Ansari, is delving into standup? So. Many. Questions.
3That Suit, Tho
We watch him put it on and then go on what seems like three dates all in the same night, only to come home looking defeated. Dating isn't easy, but at least he looked good, right?
Look close, though, and that suit seems to pop up again and again. He's wearing it a scene where he's drinking on top of the roof. He's in it again as he sadly waits outside a restaurant checking his phone. Is it all the same night, or is this the only suit he owns? We will soon find out.
4A Girl He Can Dance With
The first woman we see him out with makes several appearances in the trailer. She's on the rooftop making a toast with Dev and Arnold. She's then dancing with Dev in a cab. A running theme perhaps? My best guess is she's somehow connected to the party where John Legend is playing piano in someone's living room.
5Awkward Family Dinner
Yep, this screengrab has all the makings of an uncomfortable family dinner. Seriously, she's just drinking right out of the bottle. Since Ansari teased on Instagram that he was writing "a dope Denise" episode for this season with Lena Waithe, who plays Denise, let's guess this could be our introduction to her family, which includes Angela Bassett.
It seems fitting being that the show has already given us a glimpse of Dev's other friends' families. We met Brian's dad, and Arnold's grandmother and dad. Now here's to hoping we get to know a little more about Denise and where she comes from.
6New Friends
There are shots of Dev drinking on a classy rooftop with his friends, but this shot shows we will be meeting other people in Dev's life. Perhaps Dev is expanding his horizons now that he's a single man, making friends that are really good at making BBQ. The kinds of friends we all need.
7What's Bobby Cannavale Doing Here?
Bobby Cannavale pops up a few times in the trailer, which makes it seem like he could have a recurring role this season, but who is he? First thought, Cannavale is a restauranteur. Knowing Dev went to pasta-making school, it's plausible that he's decided to get into the food industry and this is his partner.
Backing this assumption up is a shot at the 44-second mark in which Dev's being served a bowl of delicious-looking pasta. Then it cuts to a shot of Cannavale about to make a toast in front of a chef who's preparing a very professional-looking spread. Then, there's a shot of some people dancing in a restaurant.
8The Woman In The Shadows
It's clear, this woman who is dancing in the kitchen with Dev is meant to be a mystery. Is this his new girlfriend? Zoom in and she does kind of look like the same girl who he's seen having a drink with at the 33-second mark. Interesting.
Just some questions to ponder while you wait for Master Of None to return.
Editor's Note: On Jan. 13, Ansari was accused of sexual misconduct by a woman who went on a date with him. Ansari has since responded to the claims, saying:
"In September of last year, I met a woman at a party. We exchanged numbers. We texted back and forth and eventually went on a date. We went out to dinner, and afterwards we ended up engaging in sexual activity, which by all indications was completely consensual.
The next day, I got a text from her saying that although 'it may have seemed okay,' upon further reflection, she felt uncomfortable. It was true that everything did seem okay to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and concerned. I took her words to heart and responded privately after taking the time to process what she had said.
I continue to support the movement that is happening in our culture. It is necessary and long overdue."