Here's The Real Reason Madison Was Late Meeting The Webers, According To Chris Harrison

One the (many) reasons Barbra Weber shared on the Bachelor finale for disapproving of her son's relationship with Madison is that she was allegedly three hours late to meet Peter's family in Australia. But according to the show's host, she's not the only one to blame. During an interview with E! News after the dramatic finale, Chris Harrison revealed the real reason why Madison was late meeting Peter's parents, and explained that Peter is equally to blame for the delay.
"Them being late was just as much on Peter as it was Madison," Harrison said, explaining that the couple needed to talk through some of their conflicting feelings about the Fantasy Suites. "The reason they were late [was that] they were having a discussion out front," which fans got a small glimpse of during the episode that aired on March 9.
At the time, things were so tense between Madison and Peter that they apparently needed to decide if they wanted to continue moving forward with their relationship — or if they should simply call it off there and then. "They were having a discussion of, 'Are [we] going to do this? Are we even at the stage where we should meet your parents?'" Harrison revealed, adding that the discussion was "between the two of them," rather than Madison alone keeping the Webers waiting. "It wasn't Madison throwing a fit. It wasn't Madison doing her makeup and being late," he said. "It was Peter as well."
During the After the Final Rose special — shortly after Peter and Madison revealed that they were still in love with one another — Barbra claimed that part of the reason she and Madison never connected during their meeting in Australia was because the Auburn native never apologized for keeping everyone waiting. "It started on a rocky road because she had us wait three hours for her to come in because she didn't want to meet us," Barbra said. "And when she did come in, the whole family, we didn't get an apology from her."
Peter's mother also claimed that when she asked Madison if she was in love with the Bachelor, "she said no. And that she would not accept the proposal in four days." In response, Madison stated that she "can't change the past," and that she loves and respects Peter's family, even if they don't approve of her relationship with him.
But while she managed to keep her cool on stage, Bachelor host Harrison revealed that things were even more tense between Madi and Barb in the room. "I tried to fix it," Harrison said on Good Morning America about attempting to mend the relationship between the two women. "I was trying to, like, extend an olive branch and I was hopefully trying to leave on a good note and just couldn’t get there. There was animosity built up."
Whether or not Peter and Madison manage to make their rekindled romance work in the long run, at least they can take comfort in the fact that Harrison is in their corner — and will hopefully be on hand to mediate any future conflicts between Madison and Barbra.