Chris Evans Continues To Prove He's Captain America IRL With This Epic Response To Piers Morgan

The name's America, Captain America and he's ready to defend 007 from one particularly famous Twitter troll. Chris Evans called out Piers Morgan on Twitter for mocking Daniel Craig for carrying his baby in a "papoose" or a baby wrap. Morgan questioned Craig's masculinity for using the wrap to hold his new baby with wife Rachel Weisz. But Evans thought Morgan should take a closer look at himself and let him know it in less than 280 characters.
It all started when Morgan posted a photo of Craig, the current James Bond, on Twitter walking around with his one-month-old baby girl strapped to his chest. "Oh 007.. not you as well?!!!" Morgan tweeted in mock horror, adding the hashtags "#papoose" and "#emasculatedBond." The tweet went viral, and pretty soon, the first Avenger was chiming in with a tweet that made it clear that real men wear Baby Bjorns.
"You really have to be so uncertain of your own masculinity to concern yourself with how another man carries his child," Evans wrote in response to Morgan's outburst about baby carriers. "Any man who wastes time quantifying masculinity is terrified on the inside." And that's what should be called a Cap burn, it's so hot not even his shield couldn't protect Morgan.
And Evans was far from the only person dismissing Morgan's statements. "Piers Morgan comes out in strong opposition towards… (checks notes) parents caring for their children," user @avishaiw joked in response to the British TV host's tweet. While others started posting photos of male celebrities wearing papooses like Game Of Thrones' Peter Dinklage, and Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth, to illustrate just how wrong Morgan was.
None of this, however, stopped Morgan from trolling Evans. "Captain America wouldn’t wear a papoose," he wrote a few hours later. Why? Because as Morgan would later make clear in a series of tweets that men shouldn't be using slings to hold their babies, they should use their own very strong arms. You know, like The Rock does. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, who constantly posts photos of him with his daughters, might take issue with Morgan's sexism.
Many people had a problem with Morgan's assessment of Captain America's parenting choices and let him know it. Twitter user @ManInTheHoody posted a delightful photoshop of Captain America wearing a very happy looking baby on his chest, which gave a Marvel fan named @iamkpsquared a very good idea for the upcoming Avengers movie, which may or may not be Evans' last.
"I know @ChrisEvans is done shooting the next Avengers," they wrote, "but if @MarvelStudios can in some way add a scene in with Steve and a baby strapped to him using a Papoose mocking this ignorance, it'd really be great."
Another fan named @JayOD89 expanded on to that idea. "The last time we saw Clint his misses was pregnant," they said, "be amazing if they put in an after credit scene where CA is godfather and holding the child in a papoose at its birthday party." Hello, Russo Brothers, are you listening?
Like Evans, many believed that Morgan's take on Craig's baby sling was just plain wrong. And it's good to see Evans continue to solidify his reputation as the Real Captain America. Cap is a man who stands up for what's right, and that definitely includes men stepping up and taking care of their children.