Why It’s Worth Keeping Your Hopes Up About A Childish Gambino Tour In 2018

If you've still got Awaken, My Love! on permanent rotation, then you might be wondering whether there are any Childish Gambino 2018 tour dates coming up, so you can finally hear the phenomenal album live. However, fans may struggle with the same issue that they did last year: Donald Glover's schedule is so stacked that it might not leave much room for live shows or touring. Considering the immense popularity of Childish Gambino and the scarcity of his live shows, it's understandable that a tour is in such demand. But is there any possibility he's going to bring the music on the road to fans anytime soon?
First, it's worth getting the most obvious fact out of the way up front: Childish Gambino hasn't officially announced a tour for this year. That's not to say one definitely won't happen, but it's worth assuming at this point that it might be unlikely. The second thing worth addressing, however, is that there are a few upcoming Childish Gambino live performances that you can look forward to. On Jan. 27, the musician is performing at Irving Plaza, New York, and the day afterward, he'll be performing live on stage at the 60th annual Grammy Awards.
It's not much, but for now it's still something. Especially if we can all maintain a little hope that the artist may get bitten by the live tour bug at one of these performances and decide to treat us all to a full tour as a result. But perhaps most important here is the fact that Childish Gambino has signed a new record and label deal with RCA records. According to Variety, new Childish Gambino music can also be expected "later this year." And you know what new music might potentially mean? A tour with to promote said music.
When you further take into account Glover's claims that his next Childish Gambino album will be his final one, then it seems plausible that he'd want to share that musical ending with his fans. But as mentioned earlier, Glover has a lot of other projects that also demand his attention.
This year alone, for example, he has Season 2 of Atlanta premiering on March 1, and just a couple of months after that is the premiere date of Solo: A Star Wars Story on May 25. A movie that, considering he's playing a younger version of iconic character Lando Calrissian, will likely involve a period of demanding publicity. As if that wasn't enough, Glover is also currently filming the highly anticipated live-action remake of The Lion King, where he's lending his vocal talents to give Simba life. In short, he's an incredibly busy man.
Still, if nothing else, it's at least exciting to be able to pin our hopes on a new Childish Gambino album dropping later this year. And it's especially exciting to celebrate Glover's musical talents at the 2018 Grammy Awards in the meantime, where Childish Gambino is nominated for five major awards. While the album, Awaken, My Love! is nominated for Album of the Year and Best Urban Contemporary Album, "Redbone" has been nominated for Record Of The Year, Best R&B Song, and Best Traditional R&B Performance.
So let's just play it cool about a potential tour. In fact, best not to even think about it until one is officially announced. That could happen tomorrow, later this month, or later this year but while we wait for this hypothetical event to transpire we at least have plenty of other Glover performances to enjoy in the meantime.
From the Grammys to Atlanta and Solo: A Star Wars Movie to that potential new album, you're going to be seeing a lot of Glover, and hopefully his alter-ego Childish Gambino, whether he winds up touring in 2018 or not.