Channel 4's New Show 'Snoop Dogs' Is Basically 'Cribs' Meets 'Crufts'

TV is proving to be a bit of a saviour during these trying times and both broadcasters and streaming services are stepping up to the plate. Even as production is halted across the world due to the COVID-19 crisis, TV creators are still churning out quality programming thanks to their quick thinking and innovation. All kinds of new TV formats are being experiments with right now and Chanel 4's new show Snoop Dogs is one of them.
The brand spanking new show is basically Cribs meets Crufts. I know. Stay with me.
On the surface of it, Snoop Dogs is actually a concept TV fans will be fairly familiar with. Channel 4 will be offering audiences the chance to look inside the home of a celebrity. From the footage we see, we have to guess who lives in the house. So far, so normal.
This is where it gets interesting. The footage in question is being shot by the celebrities' dogs thanks to some clever cameras that will attached to their collars.
The Guardian reports that viewers have already nicknamed this new show Through The Catflap and Beagle's About and Channel 4 has described it as a "barking mad new format." I mean, really, what a time to be alive. (Further analysis of Channel's promo statement on the show, which includes phrases such as "pup-arazzi" and "paw-sible", also indicates that Snoop Dogs is going to be camp as hell and I for one can't wait.)
Moving forward, it will be interesting to see the ways in which production companies and broadcasters adjust to making content while social distancing is still required. Snoop Dogs is an unconventional take on a format we know and love, but only time will if this new show is viewer fur-endly (sorry, I had to).