Channel 4's New Show Harnesses The Power Of Drag For A Seriously Feel-Good Reason

In recent years, shows such as Rupaul's Drag Race have really brought drag into the mainstream. People are always looking to learn more about the art of drag. Now our prayers have been answered in the form of Channel 4's Drag SOS, a six-part series that will offer a unique insight into the world of drag and the power it has to transform someone's confidence and sense of self expression.
So, what's the premise of this new show I hear you ask? Drag SOS is all about putting the spotlight on some incredibly talented homegrown drag queens here in the UK and seeing how they can use their skills to help others.
Right, hold up. I'm already crying.
The show follows a super well-loved and respected group of queens from Manchester known as The Family Gorgeous. This drag family was set up by Cheddar Gorgeous and Anna Phylactic, and hosts Cha Cha Boudoir nights, which they describe on their Facebook as "[p]assion, glamour and illicit behaviour wrapped up in one night of camp performances and soapbox disco."
The Family Gorgeous also invite guests to learn all the tricks of the trade via their very own monthly drag lab. We are talking style, wigs, makeup, and of course lashings of sass, all in the name of helping people pull out their inner drag queen and find their spotlight.
Speaking to Channel 4, Cheddar said:
“Whether you’re male, female, straight or gay, old or young, drag is all about finding your most glamorous route to self-confidence. We all have a past, our own stories and drag is the most fabulous way to celebrate ourselves. People have come to us for all kinds of reasons, from bereavement to poor body image, drag is all about establishing identity and putting it centre stage.”
Wow, this is a service the world needs to know about. And you know what? One monthly drag lab isn't quite enough is it. So, guys, they have gone big. The Family Gorgeous have hit the road in their very own drag bus and Channel 4 has let us all come along for the ride.
Yes, in Drag SOS, we see these queens travelling the length of the UK (think Ipswich, Scarborough, Dover, and Dudley) offering help to those who would like their shot a drag queen divinity. And, as you might expect, these transformations help change a lot more than their daily makeup routine. No guys, it changes their lives. Helping them find a stronger, braver, more confident self. Because that is what drag is about, right? Positive transformations.
I mean can you believe the level of inspo you are about to experience watching this? Amazon better stock up on hot glue guns because it's about to go off.
I spoke to Tete Bang, who is one of the queens on the show. Tete is the only female drag queen on Drag SOS, and a bit of an icon in the world of female queens. She said the whole thing was a bit of a test in terms of keeping your makeup on. Because, OMG the tears.
Tete explained:
"All of the stories from the people we met were so touching, we don't know anything about the people before we meet them so a few of the incredible stories left us in tears. But we did have a huge effect on people so it was worth the loss of mascara."
Watch Drag SOS on Channel 4 Tuesday June 25 at 10 p.m.