On Sunday, reports emerged that Bachelor In Paradise filming has been suspended over alleged misconduct on set, and unsurprisingly, one of the franchise's most notorious villains has already weighed in with a response. But Chad Johnson's tweets about the Bachelor in Paradise news are more than just cringeworthy, they're insensitive, crude, and outright disrespectful. "I'm excited for The Bachelor in Pornadise," he wrote, adding, "TV Shows I've been on - 4 TV Shows I've messed up so bad that they had to stop filming - 0."
UPDATE: In a video posted by TMZ, Jackson says "no comment" in response to numerous questions about the alleged incident. Asked if he's upset about reports alleging that Olympios claims she did not give consent, Jackson responded, ""No, no. I'm all good."
UPDATE #2: On Wednesday, June 14, Corinne Olympios' rep released a statement about the Bachelor In Paradise allegations to Bustle:
“I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened on June 4. Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place, which I understand is why production on the show has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production. As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality. As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring an attorney to obtain justice and seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.”
UPDATE #3: On the evening of Wednesday, June 14, Jackson released a statement about Olympios' allegations to E! News:
"It's unfortunate that my character and family name has been assassinated this past week with false claims and malicious allegations. I will be taking swift and appropriate legal action until my name is cleared and, per the advice of legal counsel, will be seeking all available remedies entitled to me under the laws."
UPDATE #4: On June 20, an ABC spokesperson provided the following statement to Bustle:
“We appreciate the swift and complete investigation by Warner Bros. into allegations of misconduct on the set of ‘Bachelor in Paradise.’ Given their results, the series will resume production, and will air this summer on ABC.”
UPDATE #5: After the results of the investigation were announced, Corinne's lawyer Martin Singer released this statement to Bustle: (Bustle reached out to Warner Brothers about this new statement but has not yet received a reply.)
“It needs to be made crystal clear that production of Bachelor in Paradise was shut down because of multiple complaints received from BIP producers and crew members on the set. It was not shut down due to any complaint filed by Corinne against anyone.
It comes as no surprise that Warner Bros., as a result of its own internal investigation, would state that no wrong doing had occurred. Our own investigation will continue based on multiple new witnesses coming forward revealing what they saw and heard.”
EARLIER: His comments come on the heels of Warner Brothers halting production and releasing the following statement to The Hollywood Reporter:
"We have become aware of allegations of misconduct on the set of Bachelor in Paradise in Mexico. We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations. Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate responsive action.”
According to People, who spoke to two unnamed sources, the incident allegedly involves recent Bachelorette castoff DeMario Jackson, whom Rachel Lindsay eliminated from her ongoing season during Week 2. The sources alleged that producers filmed Jackson in a sexual encounter with a female contestant who may have been too drunk to consent. The story is still developing, but more details will hopefully follow. For now, Season 4 of Bachelor In Paradise has been suspended as Warner Bros. further investigates.
Regardless of the outcome, however, Johnson's tweets show a blatant disregard for the sensitive nature of such allegations. Alleged sexual misconduct is not a matter that should be taken lightly, and certainly not one that should be joked about.
Fans will recall that Johnson himself has come under fire for his behavior on various Bachelor franchise shows: he quickly garnered a reputation as the resident bad guy during Season 12 of The Bachelorette, and was removed from Bachelor In Paradise Season 3 for his offensive and belligerent antics. All of which makes it even more unfortunate that he doesn't seem to have learned anything from his past transgressions, as well as disappointing that the franchise appears to keep tolerating it. If this situation has made anything clear, it's that both Johnson and the Bachelor Nation team need do some meaningful reflection.