
Chris Evans Has Some Strong Opinions On Captain America's Final Words

by Kelly Schremph

Most of the actors involved in the still untitled Avengers 4 movie are doing their best to keep details about what happens next under wraps. And given the jaw-dropping cliffhanger at the end of Infinity War, who can blame them. However, there is one superhero who isn't playing by the rules and is making a point to share various pieces of intel about the highly anticipated film. That person is none other than Chris Evans, who claims that Captain America's last filmed line in Avengers 4 really didn't measure up to be as epic as he wanted. In fact, he thinks the line is downright "stupid."

During an interview at ACE Comic Con, as reported by Comicbook.com, Evans admitted that his final moments as Captain America fell a little short from how he envisioned it all playing out. Particularly, when it came to his last line in the franchise, he couldn't help but acknowledge his disappointment. "It was something really stupid, it was something really dumb. Which I also probably can't give away," Evans teased. Naturally, the actor wasn't able to give much more information about it away, though he did also mention that this ominous scene also involved Paul Rudd's Ant-Man character.

"Well, you know, it was reshoots, so you're doing these little picks and pops, and it's just little things that they need," Evans added, recalling his final day on set. "It might have been a line to Paul Rudd. He wasn't there, but it was a stupid line. The line wasn't memorable to me [laughs]. The day was more memorable than the line."

The good news about this additional explanation is that it's possible that this supposedly "stupid" line Evans read during his final taping may not be the final line that he says in the movie, given that it was during reshoots that this took place. Then again, maybe it is, but either way it's a shame that Evans' final day on set didn't measure up to what he wanted. Given all the hours he's logged as one of Earth's protectors, it feels fitting that his final sequence was something iconic and unforgettable. But alas, even Captain America doesn't always get a hero's ending in every way they want to.

It's weird to even think of good ole Cap saying anything that could qualify as "stupid" ever, but for now we'll just have to take Evans' word for it. (Maybe it'll turn out to be something hilarious like "Could you tell me where the bathroom is?" or "What is Snapchat?")

Thankfully, it wasn't enough to put a sour taste in his mouth about the experience as a whole. On Oct. 4, Evans tweeted what felt like a goodbye message to his on-screen character in a heartfelt message:

"Officially wrapped on Avengers 4. It was an emotional day to say the least. Playing this role over the last 8 years has been an honor. To everyone in front of the camera, behind the camera, and in the audience, thank you for the memories! Eternally grateful."

Suffice it to say, there are bound to be some memorable moments in Captain America's future as the remaining Avengers attempt to undo all the damage Thanos has just done to the universe (not to mention future Marvel franchises). Whether Cap makes it out of this alive has yet to be seen (especially given that ominous goodbye tweet), but let's hope if the grim reaper does come calling, his has a parting line that satisfies both his real-life counterpart and viewers alike.