Here's The *Truth* About What Coffee Really Does To Your Plants

Your morning cup of Joe. That caffeine injection. The old "oh sure I'll make a big pot, I'll get through it" attitude. Next minute, you find yourself with tummy ache, palpitations, and a lot of left over coffee. So what's a person to do? Knock it back and hope for the best? Y'all, no. Think of your nerves. OK, but coffee is expensive. You don't want to waste the bloomin' stuff do you? Talking of bloomin' maybe you could about give it back to mother earth? Can you water your plants with coffee? Because I'd love to treat my foliage to the finer things in life.
Well, guys, it seems that, according to, your cold cup of coffee might actually be just the ticket. Owing to it having nitrogen, which is good for killing weeds, and magnesium and potassium, which are both also excellent for helping promote very happy and healthy plant growth. Hell yes to that, am I right?
However, there are some warnings alongside using coffee to water your plants. First of all, guys, when it comes to watering plants with coffee, we're talking black coffee. Don't pour your double mocha frappucino with extra syrup on your plant, whatever you do.
It's best to dilute it as it may be too acidic on its own. As home decor site The Spruce states:
"If you decide to try watering houseplants with coffee, keep a close eye on your plant. If the foliage starts yellowing or the tips of the leaves start turning brown, it's a sign that the coffee is adding too much acidity to the soil. It's not a bad idea to dilute your coffee with water, especially if you prefer your daily cup of java on the strong side."
And everyone, the good news doesn't stop here. Oh hell no. Coffee grounds also make for great composting material. So, if you make sure you keep those handy little caffeinated nuggets for the compost heap, you will build up quite the healthy soil. According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), coffee grounds are great for a healthy garden. "Coffee grounds: provides low levels of nutrients and can either be used in small quantities around plants or composted before adding to the garden," the RHS writes.
Not only does it make for great compost but it also makes for a great accompaniment to compost's best friend: earthworms. Yes, love them or hate them, they are flipping great for your garden. And it seems that, according to a study from Extension Urban Horticulturist and Associate Professor at Washington State University Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, they are just as crazy for coffee as you are:
"Some larger bioconsumers, including earthworms use coffee grounds as a food source. The fact that earthworms pull coffee grounds deeper into the soil may account for noted improvements in soil structure such as increased aggregation following the application of coffee grounds."
Yikes. So not only is this a good way to recycle, but it is providing some serious chow for those little slimy garden pals.
I guess you might be reading this as a non coffee drinker, and actually despairing right now. Well firstly, wow how do you get up in the morning? Secondly, worry thee not. Because, if you pop down to your local cafe, I am sure they will be more than happy for you to take their old used up coffee grounds to make your garden as happy and healthy as it deserves to be.
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