The Kardashians are known for their body hugging athleisure, but the drawback of wearing a permanent rotation of spandex and lycra is that it can sometimes accentuate a little more than we bargained for. Which is why a fan sent Khloe Kardashian "camel toe concealer," in an effort to help her fight off her known foe, Kamille the Camel Toe.
But while some might think that experiencing that particular fashion faux pas is embarrassing, Kardashian chooses to see the hilarity in it. In fact, she has a pretty shameless love for her nether-region bump, affectionately naming it Kamille the Camel and constantly bringing it up in conversation. The topic goes as far back as 2016, which is the year that she documented nine of Kamille's best fashion moments on her app. "Ain’t no shame in the camel toe game, LOL,” she wrote. “Mine has a name: Kamille the Camel! She steals the spotlight whenever I wear tight jeans, so I had to count down her top fashion moments!”
While she has no problem dressing up Kamille, some fans believe that Kardashian should have the option to put her away every now and again. Which is why one mystery fan sent her a special fashion accessory that will hide a camel toe when one doesn't want to deal with the visible bump. And being a Kardashian, Khloe immediately shared it on her social media.
As Kardashian opened the box in her video, she read the handwritten note that came with the package. “Dear Khloe, I heard you might have some use for these. I hope they work.”
“Uh, camel toe concealer. I love this person!” she shared. The helpful fan got the concealer on Amazon, which retails for $29.99. It's a reusable silicone adhesive that looks a lot like a nipple cover or bra insert, but can be slipped into your underwear rather than bra. The adhesive sticks to your skin and can be used underneath everything from workout clothes to swimsuits, helping you hide any unwanted bumps.
While Khloe might have zero qualms about Kamille making an appearance, not every Kardashian feels the same. In an interview with Nylon in 2016, she shared how her sister Kourtney would constantly ask her to put the bulge away, and even went as far as to buy her her own version of a camel toe concealer. “My sister Kourtney did not appreciate [my camel toe]. So she bought me these things, they’re almost like a maxi pad. I don’t know what they’re really called but it’s to hide your camel toe,” she shared. “And it was like falling out of my pants. It was, like, slipping. I was so uncomfortable. There’s this trampoline workout place called like, Sky High in L.A. We were doing this workout and I was like this is the worst time to be wearing this thing while I’m jumping up and down. So I had to remove it. I just said, ‘Kamille’s here. She’s at the class, too. Get over it.'”
While Kardashian might entertain the camel toe concealer for a day, Kamille is here to stay.