Beyoncé Just Made A Huge Decision About Coachella

Earlier this year, it was announced that Beyoncé would grace us with her presence in the middle of the Indio desert and do something extraordinary: headline 2017 Coachella while she's pregnant with twins. Though her Grammys performance more than proved Bey can perform better than any other mere mortal while carrying two humans in her uterus, unfortunately Beyoncé won't be headlining Coachella, according to the Associated Press. But, we can't fault her for the reasoning. The singer reportedly decided to skip cancel under the orders of her doctor. And it's not all bad news: Bey will still headline the event one year later in 2018, according to AP.
The news may be disappointing for concertgoers who only bought tickets to see Bey — which I'm assuming is every single concertgoer — but it isn't surprising. Or at least, it shouldn't be. Considering that Beyoncé appears to be in her second trimester (this has not been confirmed by the singer herself), Bey would be pretty darn pregnant by April 2017. ("Pretty darn pregnant" is the official doctor diagnosis I am declaring. Not to brag, but I never even went to med school.)
Fans have been fearing this day. The day they learn that Beyoncé would either decide, or be forced to decide via medical professionals, that she couldn't perform at the concert. The aforementioned Grammys performance gave a glimmer of hope, but the inevitable was still inevitable. Beyoncé is carrying twins, and she must put their health and her health above all else. In this instance, that includes our happiness.
We don't know who will replace Bey as the headliner in 2017 at this point, but AP did say that she will headline in 2018. (Bustle has reached out to Coachella for comment, but has not received a response at the time of publication.) In your despair, please remember this. And please remember that she hasn't bailed completely. She's just making us wait until after she births the future president(s) of America. That seems entirely reasonable.
I suppose the only thing left to do until the summer of 2018 is listen to Lemonade on repeat. Listen to it so much that your mind begins to only think in its lyrics ("Hold up," "I aint sorry"). Listen to it so much that you forget other lyrics exist, and that other words exist, and until you forget what word you are (human?). Listen to it until the only thing you can understand is the word “Lemonade” and all you own are T-shirts with lemons on them and all you drink is one pint of water, a half pound of sugar, and the juice of eight lemons.
I mean, if nothing else gets you through this next year. It's worth a shot.