It seems there is so little light in the world these days that when Beyoncé announced on Instagram she was pregnant with twins, the internet pretty much exploded with happiness. Immediately Beyoncé baby memes and jokes could be spotted all over Twitter and, for once, it appeared as though nearly every tweet made about a breaking news alert was a positive one. People are really grateful to have something nice to talk about for a change.
A Beyoncé pregnancy announcement on its own is already reason enough to celebrate. Add in the fact that she's having twins, that she looks flawless in her Instagram announcement photo, and that she's distracting the world from having to talk about Donald Trump for a moment, and you have a recipe for pure bliss. For a few shining moments all of Twitter was good again. I mean, if you wanna talk about making America great, I think Beyoncé just did it.
But, enough of politics for a minute. Obviously everything going on in the world is still very important and deserves our attention. But let's take a collective break from the stress and negativity and look at some Beyoncé memes to make everything (temporarily) better.
Salt Bey
Don't stop, never stop.
Oh, To Be Bey's Baby
Same, tho.
Spicer Facts
Come on, Spicer. No one wants to talk about anything else right now.
Our Guardian Angel
Making 2017 bearable again.
Thank you for this wonderful gift, Beyoncé.