This New Weighted Blanket Is Made Entirely Of Trees To Help Soothe Your Stress

Many natural resources and materials are scarce — and the process of harvesting them can wreak ecological havoc. So, any step towards towards sustainability is a step in the right direction. That's why the bedding company, Bearaby, recently launched an eco-friendly line of weighted blankets that are made entirely of trees.
Bearaby’s new collection, the Tree Napper, was designed with the Earth in mind. The weighted blanket is made with TENCE Lyocell — a patented fabric sourced from the raw wood pulp of eucalyptus trees. As a press release about the launch explained, the pulp then undergoes an environmentally sustainable, closed loop process that uses much less water than other traditional bedding fabrics, such as cotton. What's more, the Tree Napper is plastic-free, vegan, and biodegradable.
“Through the launch of our Tree Napper, we can show that incorporating sustainability in our products is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to better products,” Kathrin Hamm, Bearaby’s founder, said in the press release.
Much like Bearaby’s original weighted blanket, the Napper, the Tree Napper has a chunky knit look and feel. While it’s definitely Instagram-worthy, the chic design of the bedding actually serves a very real purpose: The hand-knitted pattern allows for the weight to be evenly distributed, so you can catch more restful shuteye. How? Weighted blankets are thought to simulate deep pressure touch, and reduce nervous system activity, which, in turn, helps to decrease anxiety, help with insomnia, and improve sleep quality for some people. (Weighted blankets are not a substitute for professional mental health support of course, but they can be therapeutic nonetheless.) As Business Insider reported in 2015, TENCEL is naturally breathable fabric that’s long been used in athletic clothing. Meaning, even though the Tree Napper is a weighted blanket, you can use it during the summertime months.
The Tree Napper is available in three different weights — including 15 pound, 20 pound, and 25 pound options. What’s more, the collection comes in four summer-inspired colors just in time for the season. Depending on your preference, the blanket will cost you anywhere from $249 to $279. With every purchase of the Tree Napper on Bearaby’s site, the company has also pledged to planting one tree in partnership One Tree Planted, a non-profit organization that focuses on reforestation across the globe. The brand's donations will specifically go towards the efforts to rebuilding California's forests, which were completely devastated by wildfires in the fall of 2018.
The demand for basic things like the fabrics used in bedding products and clothing have become more pressing. Many companies are beginning to get creative about finding ways to meet this growing need, while simultaneously finding more eco-friendly solutions. According to Hamm, the launch of this weighted blanket is one of the first steps in Bearaby’s “quest to challenge industry norms for a more sustainable future.”
You don't have to sacrifice your creature comforts for sustainability, or vice versa. In fact, not only does the Tree Napper look cozy AF, but knowing that its production won't take a toll on Mother Earth may even help you rest a little easier.