Yes, Aziz Ansari Has Serious Pasta-Making Skills

After a year and a half, the second season of Master of None finally premiered on Friday. I know you're probably at least halfway through the season by now (because there's obviously no other proper way to spend a weekend), so you likely already saw that bit in the first episode where Dev, Aziz Ansari's character, spends time in Italy making pasta from scratch. In case you were wondering, yes, Ansari does really know how to make pasta — at least that's what Alan Yang says.
In an interview with the LA Times, Master of None's co-creator and executive producer Yang revealed that Ansari's pasta-making skills are "very good." Yang said,
"He's legit. He bought a mattarello, which is the big rolling pin that you can basically only get in Italy. It comes out and flattens the fresh pasta. Dude lived in Italy for like a month. He worked in a pasta shop, literally the one that we shot at."
He went on to add that Ansari "can make a pretty mean pasta." That's easy to believe, since the comedian seems to be a serious pasta lover, according to a photo he posted to his Instagram back in 2015. "This was a good week for me and pasta," he captioned a collage of nine different pasta meals.
Ansari also revealed to fans in a Reddit thread that same year that the best pasta he's ever eaten was a dish he ate while visiting Rome. He wrote, "That pasta [in] Dev’s fridge is a pasta I really ate in Rome. It was tollerini alla gricia (I think?). Also I just went to Bologna and loved the tortellini en brodo I had there. Holy shit."
It's good to know that the comedian got more out of his experience filming in Italy than just two episodes worth of material. Maybe now fans can start a petition for him to cook us a full Italian meal before the show comes back for a third season?
Until that happens, all episodes of Master of None Season 2 are available to stream on Netflix, so you can rewatch as much as you'd like. The last time we saw Dev, he was taking off on a one-way flight to Italy post-breakup at the end of last season. At the very beginning of Season 2, in a black-and-white episode titled "The Thief," the aspiring actor is seen adjusting to life in Italy after living there for three months, and it looks like he's done a pretty good job of picking up on the culture.
Though he clearly doesn't have an idea of how to work a classic alarm clock, Dev does speak pretty good Italian, and he even knows how to make homemade tortellini. In terms of how great the character at making pasta, it looks like Francesca's grandmother would beg to differ. But at least in real life, it's good to know Ansari knows a thing or two about noodles.
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