Ashley I.'s Bridal Shower Theme Incorporated The 'Bachelor' Alum's Favorite Rom-Coms

Fans of The Bachelor franchise can't help gushing over Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon's love story. The two of them found each other on TV, but what they really have in common is their fondness for movies, specifically love stories. That's why it's so perfect that Ashley had a romantic comedy-themed bridal shower on July 14 in Hollywood, California.
The Bachelor in Paradise standout told People, "When Harry Met Sally is very special to me and Jared, and the other I feel like we particularly bond over is Jerry Maguire." Referencing the movie's most famous line, "You had me at hello," she gushed, "Truly, Jared may have been the only guy who ever had me at ‘Hello.’ It was love at first sight in a way I’ve never experienced before!"
Jerry Maguire wasn't the only film reference at the shower. The movie 27 Dresses played on a loop during the bridal shower, which is both on theme as romantic comedy and movie about weddings. Ashley confessed to People, "I think I’ve been a little close to tears." She continued, "When I say that everyone has had a part in me and Jared coming together, I truly mean it!"
One of those people is Jade Tolbert, who Ashley met during Season 19 of The Bachelor. She was also there when Ashley and Jared initially got together while filming Season 2 of Bachelor in Paradise.
Jade told the magazine, "It just feels like everything’s come full circle for her." She emphasized, "It just feels so right. Ashley is going to be the most beautiful bride ever."
Although it's unclear if other Bachelor alums were at the bridal shower, Ashley said her friends played an integral role in making it a special day. She revealed to People, "My favorite part was definitely the speeches. Troy [Williams], my wedding planner, started this whole chain of my friends giving anecdotes about times that Jared and I have interacted and how they came to know us."
She also remarked, "It’s just super sweet, and I love how everybody had such individual stories and represents a different chapter in our romance."
The bridal shower was truly perfect for Ashley and Jared thanks to their family and friends, but especially because of the theme, which is not-at-all surprising for anyone who knows them (or follows them on Instagram). It also aligns with their upcoming wedding, which will also incorporate some famous movies.
In an April interview with Us Weekly, Ashley teased that they would incorporate roses into their wedding, which makes perfect sense since the Bachelor franchise is known for the flower. Other than that, Ashley teased, "I think there’s going to be one prominent rose that we have an idea for." She hinted, "It’s going to be a play on another famous Rose."
Jared chimed in with, "I’m sure you can think of another famous Rose. A single Rose that we’re going to play off of." They were most likely alluding to Kate Winslet's character in Titanic.
The couple's shared love of Titanic actually played a pivotal role in their romance. Even though it didn't make the show, Ashley tried to win Jared over during Bachelor in Paradise Season 2 by reciting lines from the movie. It didn't win him over immediately, but they did eventually get engaged when they appeared on Bachelor in Paradise Season 5 in 2018.
Ashley and Jared discussed her Titanic monologue during a June 2017 interview on the Mouthing Off With Olivia Caridi podcast. They were not even dating during this join interview, which makes the commentary even more interesting. Jared shared, "With no lead-up, no nothing, you just all of a sudden started going into a monologue that Kate Winslet gives in Titanic."
He later admitted, "For the first 30 seconds, I was like 'What the f*ck is going on right now?' And then, I realized that she was quoting Titanic and that was her way to win me over."
Maybe they will incorporate some famous movie quotes in their wedding vows or at the very least in some speeches at the reception or the wedding favors. With the success of a romantic comedy-themed bridal and an upcoming wedding with the same theme, it does make sense to wonder how they'll incorporate the genre into future events. Is a romantic-comedy themed honeymoon is the next step for the couple? It just might be.