Taylor Swift & Katy Perry’s Feud May Have Just Ended — With A Literal Olive Branch

One of the greatest pop music feuds of all time might've finally run its course. On Tuesday, May 8, Katy Perry sent Taylor Swift a literal olive branch, which Swift revealed in her Instagram Stories. "Thank you Katy," Swift wrote in the IG story, which has fans wondering if Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are friends again. Hey, if this olive branch is a sign of things to come, Swift and Perry may be ready to go all pre-backup dancer drama on us once and for all.
Of all the flora and fauna on the planet, nothing says "Hey, let's call a truce" quite like an olive branch. Unlike, say, a snake emoji or Regina George-themed subtweets, an olive branch is a symbol of peace. To extend a metaphorical olive branch to someone is one thing, but to literally ship a real-deal olive branch to someone with a handwritten note? It sure looks like Perry really is serious about putting their bad blood behind them.
On opening night of the Reputation Stadium Tour, Swift took a video of the olive branch and shared it with her Instagram followers. She did not show off Perry's note in its entirety, but she was generous enough to let us see the first few lines. “Hello old friend,” the message begins.
Hello. Old. Friend. Wow. Remember when they were friends back in 2012? The chills have begun.
As People reported, the rest of the visible part reads, "I've been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us." Perry also said she was "deeply sorry" and would like "clear the air."
So what happens next? Just how much peace will this olive branch bring?
Will Perry and Swift just agree to let bygones be bygones, stop alluding to their rivalry in interviews and songs and tweets, and be cordial when they run into each other at award shows? Or will they really and truly reignite their friendship?
Whether they become the best of buddies or not, this olive branch is a major moment in Swift and Perry's friendship story.
Of course, this isn't the first time Perry has said she would like to ditch this feud. On a May 2017 episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, the "Swish Swish" singer said she wanted Swift to end their drama. Perry told James Corden, "Honestly, it’s really like, she started it, and it’s time for her to finish it." She added,
"It’s about backing dancers. It’s so crazy! OK, so there are three backing dancers that went on tour with her tour, right? And they asked me before they went on tour if they could go, and I was like, 'Yeah of course! I’m not on a record cycle! Get the work! She’s great!...But I will be on a record cycle in about a year, so be sure to put a 30-day contingency in your contract so you can get out if you want to join me when I say I’m going back on.'"
And in June 2017, Perry reiterated this point to Arianna Huffington during the live stream ramping up to the release of Witness. As Entertainment Tonight noted, when Huffington asked about her falling out with Swift, Perry said,
"I'm ready to let it go. Absolutely, 100 percent. I forgive her, and I'm sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her, and I think it's actually... I think it's time."
And if this olive branch really means what it seems to mean, Perry and Swift's feud may finally go swish swish into the wastebasket.