Connor & Whitney Might Have Had The Cutest 'BiP' Date In Bachelor Nation History

With just one more episode of Bachelor in Paradise left, it's probably safe to assume that anyone who isn't coupled up at this point won't be a couple by the finale — or is it? On Tuesday night's episode, Connor's luck turned around after Caelynn chose to leave with Dean instead of pursuing things with him, and it seems like he may have actually found his person. So are Connor and Whitney still together after BiP? Their love story might just be the best one on the show this season and totally unexpected.
Having been left alone in paradise, Connor was thinking about leaving, but first, he wanted to see if Whitney showed up. They had chemistry when they met at Chris and Krystal's wedding, so he was hoping that she might be the next one to come down the stairs, and not only was he right, but she was also coming to paradise specifically to spend time with him, and just in the nick of time, too.
Of course, she had to chase him down at his hotel, date card in hand, since he was already gone by the time she got there. But the extra effort (and time spent waiting) certainly seems like it was worth it.
The fact that they were both hoping to see each other and that Whitney then went to find him was so sweet — already, their love story is off to a pretty romantic start. With a beginning like that, it seems like they could really have something between them. But are they still together now?
It's definitely looking good. Connor's tweets about the situation seem very positive — he even said that "it all worked out in the end."
Even former Bachelor contestants can't help but root for this new couple. Evan Bass — who met and married wife Carly Waddell on Bachelor in Paradise — tweeted in all caps about how much he loved this pairing, despite the fact that they got less screen time than just about everyone else who has been on the show this season.
And for the record, they probably would have found their way to each other, even without paradise's help. Connor also added in a separate tweet, "I was getting ready to send Whitney a dm on Instagram right before she knocked on my door. Just trying to shoot my shot."
Who knows where Connor and Whitney will be at the end of all of this? Fans will find out for sure during next week's finale, but for now, it seems like they have a real shot at making things work. And after seeing how heartbroken Connor was when Caelynn left, it's really good to see him smiling again.
Now, all we have to do is wait to watch the finale... and keep an eye on Connor and Whitney's Instagram for updates, of course. But so far, it seems like they're off to a great start.