Lauren B.'s Social Media Hints At Her Post-'Bachelor' Relationship Status

It's hard to watch The Bachelor and not get caught up in a social media investigation every week (if not more frequently). Looking at Lauren Burnham's Instagram and Twitter accounts, it's hard not to wonder if Lauren B. and Arie are together after The Bachelor. She honestly hasn't posted much about her left after the show, but maybe less is more in this situation? It is also very easy to look into every social media move that she makes with some confirmation bias, wanting her to be Arie's girlfriend at this point post-show.
Considering that most of the contestants do not end up getting that final rose at the end of The Bachelor, it makes sense that they can find some consolation prize in the situation. Whether they start blogs, promote their existing businesses, start plugging products on Instagram, or just live tweeting the show, there's a way for everyone to feel like she "won" from being a contestant, but what about the lady who's left standing at the end?
The winner is someone who has some secrets to keep until host Chris Harrison asks her questions during her appearance on After the Final Rose with Arie by her side. She has to keep all of the good stuff (i.e. a post-show relationship) to herself until that live portion of the finale.
Even so, there are some moves that Lauren has made on social media that could support the theory that she and Arie are together after the show. Check out the circumstantial evidence and theories on Lauren's current relationship status with Arie.
Her Post-Show Return To Social Media
Arie's season of The Bachelor started filming in September 2017. According to Insider, Season 22 of The Bachelor finished filming at the end of November. Lauren didn't post on social media until December 21. If Lauren posted on social media before the season wrapped in November, it would pretty much confirm that she didn't make it to the end. Yes, returning to social media in December isn't solid evidence, but the fact that she didn't post until then is very promising for a long arc on the show.
She Isn't Active On Twitter
Sure, Twitter isn't for everyone, but so many other past and current Bachelor contestants have been very active live-tweeters of the episodes. Lauren has never shared her episode thoughts on Twitter. The only thing she tweeted in relation to the show is when she responded to a fan question about the designer of her dress from the first rose ceremony. Even so, before that tweet, she hasn't tweeted anything since 2012 and she only has a total of four tweets. So does this mean that she just isn't into Twitter or is she trying to keep a low profile because she's dating Arie? It should also be noted that it's not as if she's not logging into her account. She has liked several Bachelor-related tweets this season.
She Spent Christmas Eve With Her Family
So it's obviously not "shocking" that someone spent Christmas Eve with her family. Still, it's hard to know the protocol when someone gets into a secret relationship after being on a reality TV dating show. Do they spend time with their man on the down low or just carry on like a single person to prevent social media spoilers? Maybe she did Christmas Eve with the fam and Christmas with Arie, or maybe they just FaceTimed?
She's Shared Promotional Photos About The Bachelor, But Nothing About Her Post-Show Life
Lauren has posted about her dates on the show and reminded people to watch, but has not posted a lot about what she's been doing since the she wrapped. If she was spending her time hanging out with her friends and family, then she would be "allowed" to post that. If she is dating Arie, she is obviously not supposed to post about it on social media, so maybe she is not posting about her current life because she is spending so much time with her new man Arie.
She Posted About Her Bachelor Experience, But Not About Arie
All of the Instagram posts that Lauren has shared with moments from the show are focused on her time with the other women, instead of one-on-one time with Arie. Lauren shared a photo of herself with the fellow Laurens from the first night. Lauren also posted a screen shot from the wrestling date with the caption, "Being a GLOW girl is no laughing matter." Lauren also posted photos from that wilderness group date along with the words, "Will we survive this date this week? @maroosworld & I weren’t so sure." It's possible that she feels strange posting about Arie because they are not together. Or maybe she is just scared about spoiling the fact that they are dating by not mentioning him in her social media captions.
It is so tough finding concrete social media evidence about the outcome of The Bachelor. It's very easy to interpret almost every post in a way that matches up with the conclusion you're looking to find. There will not be a solid conclusion until the finale airs (or if Lauren is eliminated before that). In the meantime, the fans will just be stuck interpreting and reinterpreting everything she says and does on social media.