Saturn Retrograde Will Make EVERY Sign Slow Down & Here’s Why That’s A Good Thing

When a planet is retrograde don't look at it as an excuse to shut yourself up in your room for the entirety of the transition but as a way to improve. Dare I say retrogrades are here to ~help~ despite popular belief that Mercury retrograde is out to get us. From Apr. 17 to Sept. 6 Saturn will be retrograde. And that's a little too long to hide under the covers. These Saturn Retrograde spiritual meanings will reassure you that you won't have to hide this one out.
When retrogrades occur it appears that the planet is spinning backwards. explains, "Retrograde motion of Jupiter or Mars or Saturn in our sky is an illusion, caused by Earth’s passing these slower-moving outer worlds." When it appears that a planet is reversing, and ultimately making our day to day business more difficult, it's not actually spinning out of whack. It's just how we ~perceive~ it. With this in mind, why don't we ~perceive~ retrograde planets a little differently?
You don't have to wince and reduce to a panic when you read the red flag word "retrograde" in your horoscope. Sure, Mercury may seem to make things more difficult when it comes to traveling. And e-mailing. And signing contracts. But, the misunderstood retrograde just wants us to pay closer attention to detail. Besides, Saturn isn't Mercury.
Saturn goes retrograde once a year, so you've survived your fair share. In 2018 the planet will turn on Apr. 18 and last until Sept. 6. That's almost 5 months of slow motion. Don't worry, your life won't come to a stand still. You might actually find it meditative to tune into the hum of crickets. explains what the planet astrologically represents, saying, "Saturn is often referred to as the planet of karma, discipline or the dispenser of justice. It is a factual planet that induces us to face our personal reality, and is thorough, unrelenting and breaks down our control issues. I like to view Saturn as a wise old sage." Retrogrades slow things down. When Saturn is in retrograde there may be soul searching to do.
The past is typically drawn up during a retrograde. Saturn offers a portal to our past projects. If things weren't executed properly — like when you're in a rush — Saturn's retrograde offers a cold, hard look at what went wrong so that it never has to happen again. See? Retrogrades have your back! It's all about slowing down so you can catch up with yourself.
Lynn Koiner of Astrological Research says, "Saturn transiting retrograde provides the opportunity to reassess what we have taken on, to finally say NO, to back out of a commitment and to improve the organization of a project." She elaborates by saying, "Saturn turning retrograde gives us the opportunity to go back and reorganize or renegotiate any activities or commitments that seem to be a source of frustration." Sometimes we feel inclined to say yes, yes, yes to everything that crosses our inbox. Saturn permits us to learn how to say "no, thank you" so we don't find ourself double booked and filled to the brim with anxiety over it.
Once Saturn turns direct you might feel like you could author a self help book series. That's because you're sorting through a lot of life lessons. writes, "Take the opportunity during Saturn retro to do some deep soul searching, assess what needs to change and prepare for this change once Saturn moves direct. It is a time to assess our failures, learn from our mistakes and emerge from the introspection with wisdom and understanding." Astrologers advise against starting any new business ventures during this transit, and instead to focus on past pursuits. Everything you learn from this transit has the potential to make you stronger. To restructure and polish your systems so you can better go about your business.
Saturn isn't here to point and laugh at all your mistakes. Be nice to yourself during this time. Take a bath or a long, quiet walk or buy yourself a few sushi rolls. There's a lot to unpack. But don't worry, you'll put everything away neatly when Saturn turns direct in September.