Angry Orchard Just Released A Rosé Hard Cider & It's A Millennial Pink Instagram Daydream

It's been a real concentrated effort on behalf of 20- and 30-somethings across the globe, but I think we can safely assume that we have managed to create millennial pink versions of just about everything that exists. Be it the millennial pink Kit-Kat, the millennial pink Shake Shack shake, or the alarmingly Instagrammable millennial pink Le Creuset line, we have all forsaken the other colors and shades of the rainbow in favor of this cheerful hue (and, perhaps, for good scientific reason!). But the truth is, friends, all of this was just leading up to the best millennial pink product of all: Angry Orchard's rose hard cider launches today, and it was well worth the wait.
According to a press release from Angry Orchard, the drink is comprised of six different apples — but the real star of the show is the the red-flesh apple they found in France, appropriately dubbed "Amour Rouge," or "Red Love," which is a bright, beautiful reddish pink on the inside when it's cut open. The cider makers at Angry Orchard worked for a year to concoct the perfect blend, which also includes Gala, Fuji, Red Delicious, and Granny Smith apples, along with a hint of hibiscus. The ultimate result? A gorgeous, bright, popping millennial pink beverage that honestly belongs in a museum just as much as your mouth.
Angry Orchard's press release describes the taste as "apple forward" and "similar to a semi-dry wine". Bustle was fortunate to taste test the new rosé cider before it came out, and this author can confirm both of those assessments; it kind of tastes like wine, apple juice, and a flower had a baby, and then it grew up to become a goddess, and let you drink her tears. But genuinely, it does taste like the perfect blend of rosé and cider — not too dry, not too sweet, the perfect "sit and catch up with your friends" kind of drink before or after dinner.
Please enjoy this picture of me cheerfully attempting to vogue with a bottle in a Bustle conference room as evidence that I speak the truth.
Plus, bonus for anyone with dietary restrictions: The drink is gluten-free. And bonus for literally anyone on the planet: This drink isn't seasonal the way so many of our favorite rosé products are. In the true vein of "rosé all day," Angry Orchard's Rosé Hard Cider will be available year-round, both in six-packs that will retail between $7.99 and $9.99, and in 12-packs of a variety of flavors that range between $14.99 and $16.99. If you're not already up-to-date with Angry Orchard's other offerings, the variety pack will come with their Crisp Apple, Pear, Green Apple, and Easy Apple (aka the less sweet) flavors. Rock on!
If you're searching for something to pair it with, Angry Orchard's press release has plenty of suggestions for that as well — specifically "creamy cheese, like gouda and feta and hearty meats, such as ham and prosciutto." I can also vouch for the winning pair of the rosé hard cider with Samoa Girl Scout cookies, which I committed to eating a lot of for the sake of journalistic integrity.
The rosé hard cider flavor should be available nationwide starting on Feb. 21, but Angry Orchard notes on their website that their special flavors are made in small batches and occasionally hard to find — for your best bet, try their "Cider Finder" (which, incidentally, just revealed to me that there are way more liquor stores near my apartment than I previously thought). Godspeed, fellow pink drink fans — your summer just started four months early, praise be to the rosé gods.