Take The Ultimate 'Friends' Tour Around London With This List Of Locations

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Friends (could I be any more excited?) and what better way to celebrate than checking out to all the locations the Friends cast visited in London for season four's final episodes. Sure, the capital can be a little less exciting than it is to tourists if you actually live in the UK, but there are plenty of ways to spice up your trip, and this is definitely one of them. After all, it's London, baby!
Depending on how long you want to stay in the city, there are a couple of ways to do this. One is just to pick and choose a couple sites you want to see the most, but if you really want to make the most of it, you could re-enact Chandler and Joey's tourist trip. I mean, it's been done before, and the majority of locations are grouped in specific boroughs that are easy to get to on the tube. So what's stopping you?
And since it's a special anniversary, Comedy Central's FriendFest will also be in London this month starting on Sep. 20 at Kennington Park. If you were lucky enough to get tickets (they're now sold out, sadly), this will be the perfect opportunity to visit all the places featured in the episodes. If you weren't so lucky this time, don't worry. Why not marathon the entire 10 series from the comfort of your living room with the DVD box set. Or, if not, you can always catch it over on Comedy Central. Simple.
So get that pop-up map ready and put on your Union Jack hat, because here are the most memorable locations that the Friends gang visited during their London trip.
1The London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square
This hotel is what the gang calls home for their short stay in the capital, and boy is it a fancy place. I mean, staying here is almost as unrealistic as any 20-something ever owning Monica's gigantic New York apartment. Room at the London Marriott prices range between £460 to £660 a night, so if you can afford to stay there, you could make your Friends experience even more realistic.
However, it's just as fun to stand outside the hotel to reenact the scene where Joey steps into the map to figure out how to get to Westminster. But it might be a good idea to ask the doormen permission first.
2The Houses of Parliament & Westminster Abbey
Okay, so Parliament itself isn't clearly featured in the episode (it is briefly a little later on with a special someone). But as Chandler and Joey make their way to Westminster Abbey, there's a quick shot of Big Ben. So it's safe to assume they took a quick gander at the big ol' clock before making their way to the church.
You've got to visit. It's the best Abbey Joey has ever seen, after all.
3Trinity Place, Poplar
You probably won't end up purchasing a Union Jack hat from Sir Richard Branson, but there are plenty of these little stands up and down the Thames where you can treat yourself to a little Tribianni fashion.
Ever heard of Trinity Place? It's a stone's throw away from the Tower of London so you'll have plenty to do after you've bought the fashion accessory that all Londoners are wearing RN...
4Tower Bridge
This famous bridge is only seen briefly in the episode, but it's during a memorable scene between Chandler and Joey on an open-top bus. So if you happen to be travelling with someone, this moment is a must to recreate for the bants.
Oh, and make sure to point and marvel at the architecture while you're at it. I guess.
5Buckingham Palace, Westminster
Like Big Ben, a shot of Buckingham Palace is seen briefly but not with any of the cast in front of it. However, after Chandler leaves Joey to his own devices, Joey tries to make his way over to the Palace before bumping into Sarah Ferguson (yes, the Fergie). Fergie then gives Joey directions to Liz's crib.
And if you're still questioning the hat, Fergie thinks it looks rather "dashing." So there.
6Wapping High Street
Feel like recreating the panicked stroll to Ross and Emily's wedding venue and having a chat about the pros and cons of Chicken Kiev? Well, Wapping High Street is the place to be.
This is the street where Monica, Ross, and Emily walk nervously up to the venue for the first time before they're greeted with, y'know, a building site.
7St. John's Church, Wapping
While the interior of Ross and Emily's wedding was most probably filmed at The Fountain Studios in Wembley, the exterior of the building was St. John's Church in Wapping.
It's not dilapidated like the Monica, Ross, and Emily find it, but it's a beautiful church nonetheless. And it'll deffo give you all those Ross and Rachel feels after that mistake at the altar.
8The Wheatsheaf, Fitzrovia

Once the gang arrive back in New York, Phoebe gets annoyed with them all reminiscing about their time in London — including a famed trip to a pub called The Wheatsheaf, which their "cab driver" Angus took them to.
While we can't be 100% sure which pub they're talking about, this one in Fitzrovia seems a likely option. It's very central, and it's website states that it's "a traditional pub with lots of history and has played part in many television documentaries, films and shows." Hmm...
The only thing is, I can't spot Boddingtons on the menu...
Although London may not be the home of Friends, they sure did make the most of their time in the city — and now you can too!