Now that he's officially taken office, the changes Donald Trump will make to women's healthcare are becoming more imminent. One of the most recent examples is his decision to revive the Mexico City Policy, also known as the Global Gag Rule, which denies federal funds to international non-profits that have anything to do with abortion. This is likely just one of many laws he'll pass related to reproductive rights and other women's health issues.
Under the law — which was created by Ronald Reagan before being struck down by Bill Clinton, brought back by George W. Bush, and overturned again by Obama — non-profits that want money from the U.S. government must prove that they are in no way performing or promoting abortions.
"Donald Trump has turned his anti-women rhetoric into policy, and made it more difficult for women and families all over the world to access vital reproductive care," NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue said in response to the executive order in a statement.
Several other measures Trump has taken or plans to take could be described the same way. Based on the plan he laid out in October, promises he made during his campaign, and actions he's already taken, here are all the changes — or at least, the ones we know of so far — that we can expect to see to women's healthcare during Trump's first 100 days in office.
1Reinstating The Mexico City Policy
Before Trump even took office, the Helms Amendment ensured no federal money is used to directly fund abortions. The Mexico City Policy is broader, eliminating federal spending on organizations that even simply provide information about abortions, even in places where it's legal.
2Replacing Antonin Scalia With Another Anti-Choice Judge
Donald Trump will be appointing a Supreme Court justice to replace Antonin Scalia, and he promised during his campaign that the judges he appoints will be against abortion rights. Harvard Law School professor Mark Tushnet told NBC News that with a few more anti-abortion Supreme Court justices, Roe v. Wade could be overturned. Tom Price, the nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, is also anti-choice, earning a score of zero from Planned Parenthood and supporting legislation that said life begins at conception.
3Making Birth Control More Expensive
One provision of the Affordable Care Act, which Trump has signed an executive order to repeal, is that insurers must completely cover at least one type of each birth control. With the ACA gone, patients may end up covering some or all of their birth control's costs themselves. Price has said the government doesn't have a duty to help people get birth control and supported the Obamacare repeal.
4Making It Hard Or Impossible For Parents To Breastfeed At Work
Another Affordable Care Act provision states that new parents who are breastfeeding or chestfeeding must be able to nurse in the office. So, if Obamacare is repealed, working parents may find themselves without this protection, forcing them to choose between keeping their jobs and taking care of their kids.
5Making It Harder For Pregnant People To Get Insurance
The Affordable Care Act also protects people with certain "pre-existing conditions" from being denied insurance — and one of these conditions under certain insurance policies is pregnancy. This means insurance companies could refuse to serve pregnant people. The Senate has already voted not to keep the ACA provision allowing people with pre-existing conditions to get insurance.
6Defunding Planned Parenthood
Trump, Price, and Vice President Mike Pence have all vowed to withdraw funds from Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides reproductive healthcare to 2.5 million people throughout the country. Many people who rely on Planned Parenthood can't pay for such care themselves and won't have access to it if the organization is defunded.