Aaron Paul Made A Valiant Attempt At Describing His 'Westworld' Character Without Spoilers

First, he was breaking bad, now Aaron Paul's breaking down his Westworld character for the first time. But honestly, he's not saying much. Paul's description of his Westworld Season 3 character is just as mysterious and confusing as one would expect. To be fair, Westworld isn't a show that likes giving too much away, so he's not allowed to say much. Let's be honest, though, knowing just how bewildering things are on Westworld, would it even matter if Paul spilled the details on who he's playing? Nope, didn't think so.
But, bless Aaron Paul for not letting that stop him from trying to answer Entertainment Tonight's question about his Westworld character. Specifically, they wanted to know what everyone else wants to know, will Paul be playing a human or a host? Paul wouldn't confirm anything, instead saying he "may or may not be" a host and noting that he "can't say anything."
“I haven't read any scripts, but we don't start 'til next March, I believe, March or April," he said, "but what they told me about the world, this person, was very exciting." ET eventually got him to say a few more things about this character that he hasn't even read a script for yet. When asked for three words to describe who he's playing, he came up with “excitement, danger, suspense [and] honesty.” “I gave you four,” Paul joked.
The actor, best known for playing Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad, might have managed to give four words, but they were all rather vague ones. This means your guess is as good as ours — and possibly even his — about what's in-store for his character, which may or may not be a host. And it may be awhile before fans get answers, since it's unlikely Westworld Season 3 will premiere before 2020.
Back in September, Paul tweeted that he was joining Westworld, adding on Instagram that he's "blessed and humbled" to finally be able to share this news."I feel like I’m in a dream Dolores," he tweeted, channeling his inner Bernard. "Can you wake me up from this dream?" As of now, fans can only theorize whether he's connected to Dolores and her robot revolution. Or, as INSIDER reporter Kim Renfro joked on Twitter, Paul might actually be playing a version of "Dolores pretending to be a human," which after Westworld's Season 2 finale doesn't seem all that farfetched.
But it's not just fans guessing, it's his soon-to-be Westworld co-stars, too. Thandie Newton, for example, told ET back in September that Paul was an "intriguing" addition to the show. "We have such strong actors on the show, and to have someone of his caliber... he's got such great energy," Newton, who won the Emmy for playing host Maeve, said. "I have no idea what character he's going to play, or anything. So it's very intriguing, too."
Co-creator and co-showrunner Lisa Joy told The Hollywood Reporter after the Season 2 finale that Season 3 is "going to be a whole new world." So, at this point, it looks like all we know about Aaron Paul's character is that he's just as mysterious and unknown as the direction of the show itself.