You Can Buy Snow White’s Cottage In Real Life & The Pictures Of It Are Too Cute

Disney heroines have longed lived in enviable abodes. Who among us, for instance, wouldn't like to spend an hour or two in Ariel's underwater kingdom, or perusing the library with Belle in the Beast's castle? And weren't Jasmine's Arabian drapes the absolute tops? But some of the more low key homes from Disney's archives were #goals too, even if they weren't veritable palaces, and now you've got a chance to live in one — a lookalike of Snow White's cottage is now for sale in Washington State.
OK, it's not really Snow White's cottage, although if you told me a raven-haired beauty once holed up there with seven tiny singing men, I probably would believe you. But according to Delish, this home really does look like something right out of a storybook. The four bedroom, 4.5 bathroom house, located in Olalla, Washington (about an hour's drive from Seattle, and right across the Puget Sound), is listed for $775,000 by John L. Scott Real Estate, and if that sounds like a lot for a home in the woods, well, what do you say to a home in the Enchanted Woods? Per the listing:
Snow White and the 7 dwarfs retired in Olalla and now are putting their home up for sale. This is the most amazing storybook home you'll ever find. Words can't describe the meticulous detail that went into building! There's not a square corner anywhere. Each door was hand built with extensive iron work. Wood beams were hand carved, stained glass windows are everywhere, and the walls appear to more like a magical cave. Perfect for a B & B or a wedding business. Come witness the fantasy!!!
So how did this whimsical cottage come to be? Apparently, it was once the Storybook Cottage Inn, and specifically designed to look like something out of a fairy tale. In fact, according to the Oregonian, the cottage was built by DIY devotees Richey and Karen Morgan, who included a melty roof, animated-looking stucco walls, and pointy chimneys, in addition to a tree house and water wheel, and a bewitching ornate wood-decorated interior that looks lifted right out of Disney's famed 1937 film. Interestingly, the house does not boast a single sharp corner.
"I don't know how (builder) Richey Morgan handcrafted it," listing agent Richard Ellis told the Oregonian. "It's more like a carving or a boat than a house. It represents an incredible, crazy amount of time and effort by a guy who's hyper."
Indeed, the house reads more like work-of-art than cozy living space, although it does seem like it would make for a great bed & breakfast, sort of like the super-funky Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, California, where rooms are designed like rock caves, jungles, and pioneer cabins. It also looks like the space was used as a wedding venue, and it was advertised as such in a 2008 video:
Unfortunately, the Storybook Cottage Inn does not appear to have been as successful a venture as they may have hoped, and the property has been for sale for at least the last two years. If it's been your life's dream to operate a Snow White-themed inn, or live in one and take in a bunch of old men, you'd be getting a pretty good deal, considering the house has dropped from its initial listing price of $825,000. On the other hand, the Oregonian points out that you may have to shell out a little for repairs, which is something to keep in mind when you do your budgeting.
Other highlights include stained glass windows, fake stalactites, plastic tree trunks, and a stone bridge with a wooden rail. Magic mirror, unfortunately, not included.