This Meteorologist Had A Powerful Response To Body-Shaming

Mississippi resident Carrie Duncan doesn’t have time for body shamers. Last week, the meteorologist and new mom shared a body-shaming email she received from a viewer and wrote a powerful Facebook response to shut down the criticism. Her post is now going viral, with thousands of readers cheering her message: “Please STOP WITH THE HATE!”
Duncan is a weather anchor at WLOX in southern Mississippi who gave birth to her second child in December. She recently received a horrific email from a viewer, criticizing her body. (Can I just take a moment to ask — Why is it always meteorologists who get body shamed? Seriously, these stories come up again and again. Why does a woman delivering the weather make people act terribly?)
Duncan shared the email on Facebook. “Why in the world have you continued to tear your health up with all that weight?” the viewer demanded. “… It has gotten so bad that my husband will not watch the news when you are giving the forecast because he finds your appearance repulsive. … Get yourself DE-FATTED somehow.”
Eww. Who does this? Finding a public figure’s contact info, drafting an email, and sending it take effort. Who has so much free time that they sit around and think, “I’m going to go out of my way to ruin someone else’s day”?
Duncan didn’t let the hate get her down. She wrote in her Facebook post, “I am sharing this email I received to show you what some people have to go through.” She suggested that angry messages like these say more about the senders than the recipients. “There are some people who are seriously unhappy. Ugly people always have something ugly to say.”
“Please think about the people you are saying these things about and to,” she implored readers. “I believe this person also sent a horrible email which I didn't read when I was pregnant. Here's the thing, if you don't like something/someone on tv, change the channel. Please STOP WITH THE HATE!”
Nearly 5,000 people have commented on the post, with many applauding Duncan for taking a stand. One commenter wrote, “Miserable people feel the need to spread misery. Simple as that. Their words and opinions have zero effect on our lives. Keep doing beautiful you. However you want and at whatever size you want.” Another added, “I'm so happy you are strong enough and courageous enough to post this. It brings awareness to the hate of people for their weight. You are a beautiful woman. Do not let this get you down.”