RIP to the dude-bro who complained about two women shopping at Tesco in their pajamas on Wednesday, and creepily posted a picture of them to the franchise's social media page to do it. Unsurprisingly, the internet is not having it! The photograph, obviously taken without knowledge or consent, is of a pair of women wearing sweatpants, robes, and slippers while perusing the candy aisle of Tesco — in other words, a photo of you on a Friday night, just DOING YOU. In a now deleted post, Facebook user Chris Cooke wrote,
"Dear Tesco, please can you put a rule in place that people like this will not be served in your stores. It's bloody disgusting. This was at 7pm last night at your Tesco Salford store and I have seen other people dressed similar on a regular basis. I mean who doesn't have the time to get changed into clothes to go shopping."
Bustle has reached out to Tesco for comment and will update upon response; in the meantime, they addressed the concerned member of the Sweatpants Police by asking him to PM them to make a formal complaint, and a Tesco spokesperson told Mashable, "We do not have a formal dress code in our stores and colleagues use their common sense and discretion when speaking to customers about this issue."
The post has since been deleted, but as the saying goes, your decision to publicly shame two strangers wearing pajamas may last a few hours, but the internet is forever! And naturally, the resulting sass is about
My personal favorite is a public post to Tesco by Facebook user Joel Brackenbury.
Dear Tesco, can you please put a rule in place that people like Mr. Cooke will not be served in your stores. I for one find it uncomfortable to have to shop alongside people who spend their time taking photographs of strangers minding their own business rather than just ignoring things that do not affect them in any way, and have seen other people before making complaints on a similar basis. I mean who doesn't have the time to just ignore these women and carry on shopping.
Twitter is predictably sounding off as well, and I'll be surprised if "#pyjamas" isn't trending by the end of the day.
Not that anybody should have to have a specific reason to defend wearing pajamas to a grocery store, but people in the Facebook comments are quick to point out that the original posters comments are not only insensitive and out of line, but that he has no context on what's happening — some people have illnesses or disabilities where even getting out of the house is a feat, let alone worrying about the kind of clothes they wear. And more to the point, the nature of this clothes policing is genuinely creepy as hell.
Of course, the women are not the only victims of his internet trail of hate: