
9 Sex-Positive Items To Wear To The Women's March

by Amanda Chatel

On January 21, hundreds of thousands of women (and men) will take to Washington D.C. to participate in the Women's March on D.C. in protest of incoming president Donald Trump. Between his infamous "grab them by the pussy" comment, his belief that women should receive "punishment" for getting an abortion, and Republicans' plan to defund Planned Parenthood, it's extremely telling of how a Trump presidency will view women — not very positively.

In preparation for the Women's March, you might need some supplies. Of course, you'll need a sign, definitely a bottle of water, and an accessory or two. While The Pussyhat Project will be behind the thousands of pink cat ear hats that you'll see in D.C. this weekend, you might want to add a little something extra. Maybe something sex-positive in nature?

If you're unable to get to D.C. on Saturday, but still want to participate, you absolutely can. As of Wednesday morning, there were 616 Sister Marches all over the world. Yes, that's right; the world is standing in solidarity with us.

So whether you're headed to D.C. or attending a march in your own town and you want to rock a sex-positive accessory, you know, the type of thing that would make Trump cringe, here are nine options that scream, "Keep your laws off my body."

1The Clitoring

Thanks to Gloria Steinem sporting this clitoris ring back in spring of 2015, Penelopijones Jewelry pretty much became a household name amongst feminists. It's not just excessively cool looking, but shows that the female anatomy isn't something from which we should hide, but instead, celebrate.

Clitoring, $122 to $575, Penelopijones Jewelry

2Sex-Positive Pins

If you hop on over to Etsy, you'll find so many sex-positive pins to wear this weekend. From pins that proudly display vibrators, parts of the female reproductive system, ones that take back the word slut, or the My Body, My Rules pin by Pleasurepie, there are so many pins to complete your sex-positive look.

My Body, My Rules pin, $1.50, Pleasurepie

3The Crave Vesper Necklace

Although you probably won't be stopping for a masturbation break during the march, the Crave Vesper necklace (which is also a vibrator), is the perfect sex-positive accessory to destigmatize female masturbation. It also might come in handy after the march when you want a little appetizer to your well-deserved nap.

Crave Vesper, $69 - $149, Babeland

4Ovary Beanies

At the moment, it's looking like it's going to be in the low 50s in D.C. on Saturday. Cities and towns more north, like Boston, are looking at temperature in the 40s for Saturday. Since that's the case, you probably want to wear a hat. If you were unable to get your hands on a hat from The Pussyhat Project, no worries! An Ovary Beanie by kimarie89 is exactly what you need.

Ovary Beanie, $40, Kimarie89

5Blinged Uterus

Since every uterus deserves a little bling, Pop Artist Ashley Longshore is all over it. Longshore and her team will be marching this Saturday with these great bedazzled uterus signs. Longshore told her local news station in New Orleans that they'll be printing out these images for marchers to use. So, stay tuned for this one.

Blinged Uterus, TBD, Ashley Longshore

6Clitoris Cotton Bag Tote

Because you will absolutely, positively need a bag to carry your bottle of water, some snacks, and your ID, among other things, a bag will be a must — and nothing says, "I'm sex-positive AF" quite like a bag with a gorgeous clitoris on it.

Clitoris Cotton Bag Tote, $23, Mrs. White Twig

7Be A Slut T-Shirt

While you'll definitely see a lot of Nasty Woman t-shirts at these marches, if you want to take a different route, there are plenty of sex-positive t-shirts out there from which to choose. For those of you who are taking back the word "slut" and turning into something positive as opposed to shame, there's the "Be A Slut Do Whatever You Want!" t-shirt. It's also tie-dyed so you can embrace your inner hippy.

Be A Slut Do Whatever You Want Tee, $18.99, GreenBoxShop

8Planned Parenthood T-Shirt

Since many Republicans seem dead-set on defunding Planned Parenthood, a great way to show your support for PP is by wearing their sex-positive shirt. You're also financially supporting PP with your purchase, something that, should the Republicans get their way, Planned Parenthood will absolutely need.

One Hundred Years Of Health Care Sex Education Information Access Freedom Crew Neck T-shirt, $15, Planned Parenthood

9Vagina Dentata Earrings

Shortly after Trump's awful comments about grabbing pussies, the meme "Pussy Grabs Back" started making the rounds. So, how does a pussy grab back? Well, using teeth would be a great way. These Vagina Dentata earrings are pretty much the stuff of dreams. They're not just sex-positive, but basically say if you f*ck with our reproductive rights, you're in for one hell of a battle.

Vagina Dentata Earrings, $15, TheVenusEmporium

With the March just a couple days away, it's time to get your sex-positive accessories ordered stat. Thankfully, some of these places do express shipping, but even if you don't get them before the march, you can show the world just how sex-positive you are by wearing them every single day for the next four years — and beyond.