If this summer's Mercury retrograde feels like the longest one ever to you, then you're not alone. Spending the bulk of its time in Cancer, this Mercury retrograde really laid waste to our emotional resolve and is bound to have you feeling sensitive. But as we transition into Leo season, it's a good time to start thinking about questions to ask yourself during Mercury retrograde during the summer of 2019.
"Mercury retrograde is not all about lost keys, computer crashes or being ghosted on a first date," astrologer Linda Furiate tells Bustle. "If we look more deeply into the meaning of the planet Mercury, we may begin to understand how we individually attract more chaos into our lives when this planet is in retrograde motion."
When the planet that rules the mind and our thought processes stations retrograde, that generally means it's a good time for refection and emotional processing. One way to go about that productively, Furiate suggests, is thinking and feeling before you prematurely react, "otherwise a desired outcome may elude us or cause us to rethink that what we hoped to accomplish."
"The key to a successful Mercury retrograde period is to learn patience," Furiate adds. "We learn patience by choosing to take a step back to examine the truth before us."
Here are some good places to begin reflecting, if you haven't started already.
What Is No Longer Serving Me?
"With Mercury retrograde in Cancer and Leo, matters of the home and heart matter most," astrologer Cindy Mckean tells Bustle. "If something is no longer serving you, it's time to create an escape plan. Throw away things that no longer serve a purpose, plan a trip, or try a move."
Does This Decision Need To Be Rushed?
Astrologer Lisa Stardust cautions against making any snap decisions out of anxiety this Mercury retrograde. "Why can’t we take a minute to ruminate before rushing into making choices?" she asks.
Is This Relationship Really Love? Or Is It Just Lust?
Stardust also encourages us to examine the foundations of our relationships. Are you meaningfully engaging with the actual human being in front of you? Or are you projecting all your fantasies onto the person because the sex is really good? Wait until after Mercury retrograde passes to make any big decisions about the future together. Do your best to be present in the relationship you're in and assess whether that's what you really want.
Is The Investment Really Worth The Risk?
"Don’t make bold and cavalier investments and financial decisions before reviewing the facts," Stardust advises. This is not the time to throw caution to the wind.
How Badly Do I Want This?
Am I willing to wait to receive my desire? What long-term effects will my current decision make on my future? If I wait to decide something, will the opportunity still be there for me in the future? These are the questions Furiate suggests pursuing during this summer's Mercury Retrograde.
"I have found that all things worth having are worth waiting for," she explains. "If that ‘thing’ is meant to become a part of our reality, then patiently waiting out a Mercury retrograde period may open the door to opportunities that better serve our soul. Patience will hopefully keep any chaos or disappointment at bay."
What Am I Holding Back From Expressing To Others Because Of Fear?
Is it a coincidence that the new season of Queer Eye dropped during Mercury retrograde, perhaps nudging you toward examining what you've been holding back out of fear? Who can say! Astrologer Rachel Lang tells Bustle:
This Mercury Retrograde starts in Leo. This influence encourages you to speak from your heart and to have the courage to express yourself. This could mean working on a creative project or it could mean stepping on stage in some way. As Mercury moves into Cancer on July 19, you could feel a stronger desire to connect with others in deeper ways. If you have been hiding something, you could be inspired to let it be known. This applies to anything from a secret to a hidden talent you’ve been afraid to share.
What Are My Greatest Fears?
"Leo rules the heart, the center of courage in our bodies," Lang contiues. "This Mercury retrograde helps activate courage by allowing you the chance to face your greatest fears and overcome them."
Do I Have Unfinished Business With My Ex? Or Anyone Else In My Life?
This is a great question to keep on hand for every Mercury retrograde. This period always "offers us a chance to revisit and learn from the past," Lang notes.
Am I Being Authentic In My Relationships?
"If you are not being completely honest with others or if you’re holding yourself back, this Mercury retrograde helps you become more truthful and authentic," Lang says.
Most importantly, take the time to listen to you instincts during this period of reflection. This can be harder to do when we're in more progressive moments in the astrological calendar, so really make the most of this retrograde while you still can.