If you're on a mission to figure yourself out, then you likely already know it's a process that'll take a lifetime. You'll have to travel, and move, and try out various careers, and move again. But that doesn't mean you can't do other fun and helpful things along the way, like take a personality test to learn more about yourself.
If you love an online quiz, then I'm sure that sounds like a good time. But trust me when I say it can also be an incredibly revealing — and maybe even life-changing — experience. "It's hard to see ourselves," best-selling author and personality type expert Joy Balma tells Bustle. "This is why personality tests are so popular and useful. They hold up a mirror so we can see who we really are ... [and] they can set us upon a path that is congruent for our personality, instead of trying to fit into a mold that others create for us."
If you're trying to fit into a mold — perhaps at work, in your relationship, or when hanging out with friends — your test results might even help change that. As Balma says, "Personality typing can help us uncover our authentic self." If that sounds like a worthwhile pursuit, then take a look below for some great online personality assessments. (I took them all and was definitely impressed and surprised by the results.)
1. Myers-Briggs
If you've yet to take the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator test, definitely get on that. It'll present you with four letters (like ESTJ or INFP) that'll describe your personality and how you tend to think and feel in the world.
I doubt any of it will come as a shock (in fact, you'll probably be more surprised by how accurate it is), but the test will definitely make you stop and think. "I often discuss the personality letters with clients because it helps them be more reflective about themselves," clinical therapist Lynn R. Zakeri, LCSW tells Bustle. "It empowers and builds on strengths and allows them to say 'yeah, I am that person!' and they say it with pride."
2. Enneagram Assessment
Another eye-opening test is the Enneagram assessment. "For those familiar with Myers-Briggs, Enneagram describes the nurture side of who they are while Myers-Briggs describes the nature," says holistic wellness coach Leah Lesesne, MA, CSP. "One of my favorite things about the Enneagram is it describes what a healthy version of your type looks like and what a not-so-healthy version looks like, giving you a path forward rather than just boxing you in."
3. Big Five Personality Test
Yet another variation of the Myers-Briggs test is one known as the Big Five Personality Test. "This test is valuable for women in particular," says psychologist Dr. Sally Nazari, PsyD, adding that it's not uncommon for employers to use this test when screening candidates. "Having a sense of our personality across these different dimensions can help us to prepare ourselves by shoring up other areas for an overall presentation of ourselves that is positive and desirable."
4. Five Love Languages
Now a classic personality test, the Five Long Languages can help reveal all the ways you prefer to show and receive love and affection. "This test is much more useful if your partner takes it too so they can see the similarities and differences in their languages," Zakeri says. "Being able to meet your partner's needs and get your own met is one of the keys to a happy relationships."
Do you show your love through touch? Do you prefer to give and receive gifts? "It can be quite empowering to own these qualities, but it can also explain to others ... things they may misread or misinterpret. 'If I am quiet I am not mad,' [or] 'If I need to be alone, I am not sad,'" Zakeri adds. "This is a great discussion and fast quiz to do together."
5. Dark Triad Personality Test
This slightly creepy personality test will lead you through a series of true/false questions, such as "I like to get acquainted with important people" and "People see me as a natural leader." At the end, you'll find out what percentile you fall into regarding traits like narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.
As marketing consultant James Pollard says, "A lot of times traits like psychopathy or narcissism can remain hidden. I don't think that it should shape you as a person, but it can definitely give you some warning signals." If you have a tendency towards narcissism, for example, knowing it may help you make better decisions at work, or in your relationships.
6. Hogan Development Survey
Another "dark" test that might help reveal your less winning qualities is the Hogan Development Survey. "This instrument gives an individual unique insight into the weaknesses of [their] personality (what Hogan calls 'derailers') and helps a person figure out when [they are] likely to fall intro traps," consultant Stefanie Pugliese, MS tells Bustle. For example, will you do anything to get ahead at work? This test may help you figure that out.
7. Strengths Finder Test
This test is one you have to pay for, but it may be worth it if you're interested in learning more about your strengths. "These personality tests give you a look at your strongest characteristics and can help you decide what roles are best suited for you," registered clinical counselor Calvin Black MA, RCC tells Bustle. "They can help reveal directions that you might want to pursue at work, dynamics with your spouse, and more satisfying ways to engage with your family and friends." Sounds pretty interesting, right?
8. Emotional Intelligence Test
According to the website, this emotional intelligence test "reflects a person's ability to empathize with others." It asks questions like "what would you do during plane turbulence" or "what do you do when a child starts crying?" Your responses can reveal a lot about your emotional intelligence.
9. Career Fitter
If you've been wondering what type of career would best fit your work style, then consider taking the Career Fitter assessment. "It spells out why you are a hard worker in a particular area. Why you might enjoy a certain line of work," Zakeri says. "I like that they use the words 'work personality' because we often think of work as a task to learn or tolerate or even — if we are fortunate — enjoy. But what if work were a part of you, your passion?"
It''ll definitely be interesting to find out.
Images: Pexels (10)