
Watch Out For These Signs Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

by Isadora Baum, CHC

Yawning during the day is normal; however, if you're constantly tired, to the point of not being able to function, it could be an indicator of chronic fatigue, and it should definitely be worrisome. Feeling weighed down all the time is not only a drag, but it can negatively affect your health for years to come and really hinder your ability to live life to its fullest. If you notice symptoms, a lifestyle adjustment is in order.

As a certified health coach, I work with clients on feeling more balanced in their lives, so that they can have great, high, and stable energy levels in the day. When you're too tired, you can't concentrate, move your body as well as you should, and you might notice a change in mood or irregularity in swings. These could all be related to a deeper issue, chronic fatigue, that can be super problematic down the road, unless treated. If you notice these nine symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, changing your diet and lifestyle can help. You can also meet with a professional for help along the journey, so you can get back to feeling like yourself again, eager to enjoy life.

1. Feeling Unwell After Movement

According to Dr. Partha Nandi M.D., F.A.C.P, creator and host of the Emmy-award winning medical lifestyle television show, “Ask Dr. Nandi” and Chief Health Editor at WXYZ-TV (ABC) Detroit, over email with Bustle, "extreme fatigue and feeling unwell more than 24 hours after physical activity," is a common symptom. If you notice this after movement, it could be more problematic than just tiredness post workout.

2. Memory Issues

Nandi also cautions against brain fog and memory issues, as chronic fatigue syndrome can interfere with your ability to mentally be aware. If you notice you're more forgetful or are not able to concentrate on simple tasks, it could be worth seeking advice from a professional. Also, a "lack of focus - patient cannot make themselves start a task like writing an essay for college for example and an element of fogginess in the brain - a lack of clarity in thought processing," can occur, advises Svetlana Kogan, MD and Author of Diet Slave No More! over email with Bustle.

3. Joint Pain

Nandi says that you might experience "joint pain without swelling or redness" if you have chronic fatigue syndrome. If you feel sore, without any visible signs or known causes, it could be attributed to the illness. Seeing a physician to discuss it further could help. Also, "there are patients with chronic fatigue who also have fibromyalgia — they have a baseline inflammation in the body and touching their body hurts. They also feel achy, chills, and under the weather all the time but the blood tests do not reveal any issues," adds Kogan.

4. Swollen Lymph Nodes

Nandi says you might find yourself with swollen lymph nodes if you have chronic fatigue. Experts at MayoClinic back this up, saying that these swollen areas can affect the neck and armpits. If you see this complication in the mirror, see a physician.

5. Headache

Nandi says a headache is a common symptom of chronic fatigue. Having head pain when you have chronic fatigue syndrome can decrease the ability to function properly, so if you have headaches that seem abnormal to you and your lifestyle, you might want to get a physical.

6. Poor Sleep

According to experts at WebMD, if you have difficulty sleeping, it could be a sign of chronic fatigue syndrome. If you're experiencing insomnia or trouble falling back asleep, anything that interferes with sound sleep really, it is time to get help. Lacking in sleep for too long can be dangerous for your health.

7. Sensitivity To Light

Experts at WebMD discuss how you might have sensitivity to light with chronic fatigue syndrome. If you notice these tendencies, it's worth getting evaluated to rule out the disorder. It's best to try and mitigate symptoms and make lifestyle adjustments to get back to normal.

8. Sore Throat

If you have a sore throat, you might have chronic fatigue syndrome. If you're scratchy, and not just getting a common cold, bug, or virus, and it persists for too long, seek guidance to rule out the disorder. Maybe take some lozenges, too.

9. Depressive Symptoms

You might experience change in mood with chronic fatigue syndrome, so getting prescribed anti-depressants might be called for, explained experts at MayoClinic. If you notice being unlike yourself for too long, see someone for an examination.

If you notice you might have any of these symptoms, it could be an indicator of chronic fatigue syndrome. If so, check with a physician for assistance with recovery.