Sex & Relationships
9 Apps For Staying Connected To Your Long-Distance Partner On Valentine's Day
Don’t let the distance get you down.

Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to be extra loving and show your partner how much you care. Usually, that means sharing a romantic dinner, watching a cute movie — or, you know, having sex till dawn. But if you can't meet up in person, then you may want to look into one of the many apps long-distance couples can use on Valentine's Day, and celebrate that way.
"One of the keys to a successful LDR is to maintain healthy levels of intimacy and closeness, especially during Valentine’s Day,” Clarissa Silva, a behavioral scientist and relationship coach, previously told Bustle. “Some couples use video chats, audio files, and snail mail as ways to compensate for the lack of being able to physically be in the same room."
And apps accomplish the same thing, but with an ever cooler tech-y twist. You might want to try an app that encourages deep conversation, or one that'll have you playing fun games all night. Whatever mood you're trying to create this February 14, there's an app for it. Who knows? You might end up keeping them on your phone, to use all year round.
Here, 9 apps to download if you'll be celebrating Valentine's Day from a distance this year.
Want to finally watch a movie without one of you getting to the good part before the other? Then download the Rave app, which will make it easier to stream movies, listen to music, and watch videos as the exact same time.
Whenever one of you pauses or rewinds, the app pauses and rewinds for the other person as well so that you always stay at the same spot. You can also use the app to text and voice call so that you're able to discuss the movie as if you were watching it right next to each other.
If you miss watching stuff together, get this app and have yourselves a perfectly synchronized Valentine's Day movie date.
That's why the We-Connect app, which uses We-Vibe products, lets long distance couples have some physical fun even while far away. All you have to do is connect your We-Vibe sex toy to both you and your partner's app, and then one of you will be able to control the other's toy from a distance.
Use different modes to change the speed, intensity, and duration to make Valentine's Day extra sexy this year.
3Happy Couple
The Happy Couple app lets you and your partner take cute and creative quizzes to learn more about one another. From questions about secret hobbies, to feelings about different aspects of the relationship, Happy Couple can help you and your partner feel more connected — even while being long distance.
4Marco Polo
Sometimes it's not just the distance that makes long distance relationships difficult, but the different timezones as well. So if your Valentine's Day is going to be all over the place due to scheduling conflicts, download Marco Polo.
This app is kind of like Snapchat, but it's only videos and it's just for the two of you. (No likes, or friends, or anything like that.)
It allows you to send cute messages without having to think twice about the time. Valentine's Day or not, it could be a great way to stay connected and keep the spark alive.
If you want to surprise your boo with a customized Valentine's Day card, you can use Postagram to send the perfect one. The app allows you to use photos from either your Instagram, Facebook, or camera roll and put them onto different postcard templates.
You can write small messages on them and then for just $2 ($3 for international) your postcard will be mailed out to your significant other. If you're both used to mostly virtual communication, this will be a really sweet change of pace.
Want to work on your relationship, as a sort of Valentine's Day promise? One way to do so from afar is with the Lasting app. It helps push couples in a more harmonious direction by asking questions about what's important in the relationship, and then coming up with simple prompts that help broach those topics.
While Lasting was created as a "marriage health app," any couple can use it to get closer. Hey, even if you're both perfectly content, you might want to give it a try as a way to keep your communication skills sharp.
7Love Nudge
The app Love Nudge is supposed to help you learn more about your "love languages," which can come in super handy when you're long distance. You might learn that your partner is a "words of affirmation" person — meaning they like to hear that you love them — whereas you're an "acts of service" person.
Knowing which ones you both relate to most will not only mean feeling closer in the long-run, but having a better Valentine's Day, too.
For something sexy to do on Valentine's Day night, check out the iPassion app and get access to all sorts of fun relationship-y quizzes. From questions about sexual preferences, to favorite kinks, the app makes it easier to talk about certain areas of your sex life that might've previously seemed off-limits. Plus, the conversations you'll have are bound to make for some pretty serious foreplay.
And then there's Honi, an app full of "dares," "would you rathers," and other types of questions meant to help you get to know each other better.
As you fulfill the dares, or answer questions about each other in the quiz section, you literally level up your relationship, which could make for a fun challenge on Valentine's Day.
That said, if you all you want to do is send each other little notifications throughout the day, you can totally do that, too.
Clarissa Silva, behavioral scientist and relationship coach
This article was originally published on