If you've been feeling pushed to your limits the past two weeks, taskmaster Saturn might be to blame. This slow-moving planet began its backspin April 17 and will be retrograde through early September. Some Saturn Retrograde 2018 effects that all signs will be able to feel include being pushed kicking and screaming into regular adulting, which can bring increased responsibility and force you to set boundaries. Ugh, I can't wait. Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn can also induce anxiety, and have you feeling more dark and twisty than usual. "Inevitably, this may include meeting our personal limits, renegotiating boundaries, or facing stiff denials," Astrology.com reported.
"Seriousness and steadfastness are the order of the day, while any residual immaturity or desire to shirk off our responsibilities will be meet with stern rebukes during Saturn's transit in Capricorn." Saturn if often referred to as the "Lord of Karma," which means this retrograde cycle is the epitome of the ancient proverb "you reap what you sow." If you haven't been being your best self, or living up to your full potential, that whole karma thing might induce feelings of dread, but it can actually be a good thing. "Saturn rewards hard work, discipline, and responsibility. He teaches you to be patient and persevere," Astrologer Kelley Rosano explained on her website. "You will need to be authentic and in your integrity to reach your goals and be successful in Capricorn." It's no secret that retrograde cycles can be stressful, and these are the effects of Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn that all signs will feel.
1You Might Feel Anxious AF
I'm an anxious person in general, but when Saturn began its retrograde cycle two weeks ago my anxiety kicked into high gear. "Capricorn and Saturn want us to strive for security. Unfortunately, this can lead to feelings of doubt, insecurity, and anxiety during this transit," Tarot.com explained on its website. While there might be no way to avoid feeling anxious during Saturn Retrograde, it's helpful to know that it's going to happen so you can practice some extra self-care during the next few months.
2What Goes Around Comes Around
If you believe in karma, Saturn Retrograde is going to deliver a big dose of it over the next few months. If you've been putting good intentions out into the universe, and you've been treating others with kindness and respect, you can look forward to some rewards coming your way. However, if you've been sneaky and insincere, get ready to learn some hard lessons. "Although the lessons often feel harsh with Saturn and his transits (some even refer to him as the 'Lord of Karma'), ultimately, he is a fair teacher," Astrology.com noted. Instead of looking at it as a punishment, take these lessons to heart so you don't repeat the same mistakes in the future. After all, life is about progress, not perfection.
3It's Time To Start Adulting
Because taskmaster Saturn wants you to accept responsibility, you might feel like you're being forced to adult more than you'd like. This is especially true if this is your Saturn Return, which usually occurs between the ages of 27 and 30 when Saturn reenters the exact position it was in when you were born. There's no use fighting it. Whether you like it or not, you are now officially a grown-ass woman.
4You're Going To Have To Set Boundaries
Whether it's your boss who is texting and emailing you outside of work hours, or your family, friends, and BAE taking advantage of your kindness, Saturn Retrograde is going to force you to set boundaries, which is actually a really good thing because it encourages you to put yourself first. "Often times we say yes because we are afraid of saying no," Jill Wintersteen noted on the website Spiritual Daughter. "Saturn Retrograde teaches us to clearly define what is acceptable and what is not in our life, so we can spend our energy on what really matters to our soul. Use this period to become clear about what you are allowing into your life and energetic field."
5You'll Reevaluate Your Commitments
If you're feeling over committed, Saturn Retrograde is an ideal time to examine how you got to this point, which ties back into that whole setting-boundaries thing. "Are your resounding yeses still resounding? Saturn Retrograde is a great time to change directions, or get out of situations in which we might feel trapped," Wintersteen explained. If you decide you need to get some things off of your plate, or you want to take your life in an entirely new direction, do it. Don't commit to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it. You can always start over. Always. The universe will give you as many clean slates as you request. Trust me, I've blown up my life a few times, and while is sucks in the moment, it's always been for the better in the long run.
6You'll Be Motivated To Get Organized
After you set those healthy boundaries and reevaluate your commitments, it's time to take a hard look at your life and see where you can reorganize your priorities. Is you schedule working for you? Is your apartment such a mess that you spend 20 minutes looking for your keys every morning? Do you really want to be in that relationship? Well, the good news is that you can totally change anything that's not working. "Saturn Retrograde periods are also ideal for revisiting form or structure and understanding how something may best be built to stand the test of time," Astrology.com explained.
7You Might Feel Stuck
OK, between the karma, the adulting, and all of the responsibility of reevaluating, reorganizing, and setting boundaries, you're likely going to feel overwhelmed and stuck. This is totally normal, and I'd be surprised if you didn't feel this way. It's important to know that you're far from the only one. Because, change is hard. "Awareness of the law of cause of effect may certainly be enhanced. Past actions, both negative and positive will show results," Astrologer and Tarot Card Reader Yeveren explained. "When retrograde, Saturn gives an extra push to make corrections, to review and revoke agreements that no longer match the values of any particular person, group, or organization." While this is all positive in the end, actually doing the work is difficult, which makes this an ideal time to commit to a meditation practice. Seriously, it can go a long way toward reducing your stress and anxiety.
8You'll Finally Put Yourself First
If you're feeling the pressure of Saturn Retrograde, slow down and listen because one of the messages is that you need to start taking care of you instead of making everyone else a priority. This is not selfish. You can't be your best self in your career or your relationships if you're not focusing your attention on what you want and need. "Saturn is all about making commitments to yourself and to the life that you truly desire, so think back since December and reflect and celebrate any commitments you have made in these areas," Forever Conscious noted on its website. While these next few months might be difficult, you'll likely emerge knowing yourself a whole lot better, which is vital to living your best life. And, that's the least you deserve.