In a time when organizations are clamoring to gather funds to protect marginalized people, it can be overwhelming to decide where to donate your extra cash. You might wonder: What LGBTQ organizations can I donate to outside of the most popular ones, like the American Civil Liberties Union and the Human Rights Campaign?
These are both fantastic organizations, of course; they also get a lot of donations because people have heard about them. The ACLU, for example, raised a mind-blowing $24 million last weekend following Trump's signing of an executive order that put severe temporary restrictions on travel and immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries — an amount literally six times the total of what they raised in all of 2016. But smaller organizations who also do important and necessary work sometimes suffer because they're simply not as well-known as many other "household name" organizations.
When choosing where to donate money, its always a good move to do your research to help decide what place is the best fit for you. It's integral to make sure that an organization is authentic and that you agree with its practices; beyond that, you'll also want to look into where their money and attention actually goes.
It's also good to consider what intersections and identities you most want to help. For example, when we consider what marginalized groups are often left out of diversity discussions, such as people with disabilities, trans people, and indigenous communities, it can be an eye-opener for how in need many organizations and non-profits are for donations.
The following eight suggestions are a great starting place if you're looking to donate money to LGBTQ organizations that are a little off the beaten path, but are absolutely doing fantastic work and can certainly use the help!
1Rainbow Welcome
Heartland Alliance Rainbow Welcome is a fantastic organization that supports the resettlement of LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers.
2The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is an excellent organization that specifically helps suicidal LGBTQ youth through their hotline, chat service, and online resources.
3Trans Assistance
The Trans Assistance Project is super new, but is already doing incredible work. Founded in November 2016, this organization helps connect trans people to legal resources, donations, and advocates for issues specific to the trans community, such as legal name changes and gender affirming surgeries.
4The Ali Forney Center
The Ali Forney Center does incredible work. They provide necessary care and assistance for the LGBTQ youth homeless population in New York City as they transition into adulthood.
5Immigration Equality
Immigration Equality has been providing legal assistance and public advocacy for LGBTQ and HIV+ immigrants since 1994.
6Trans Women of Color Collective
The Trans Women of Color Collective not only organizes against the disproportionately high levels of violence against trans women of color, but also builds community, offers leadership training, and offers arts and wellness programs for trans women of color.
SAGE serves a surprisingly under-discussed facet of the LGBTQ community: Queer seniors. Many LGBTQ seniors are estranged from family, or are left without support once their partner passes. Resources for LGBTQ seniors are hard to come by, but SAGE does excellent advocacy work for this vulnerable population.
8LGBT Asylum Support Task Force
The LGBT Asylum Support Task Force helps settle LGBT refugees in the United States by providing them with funds for housing, trauma counseling, living expenses, and even legal representation.