On Dec. 7, you might notice a lack of light in the sky. This is because a new moon will be rising, the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle and maybe something new for you as well. When there is a new moon, the Earth, moon, and Sun are positioned in a line, which means we can't see the moon at the time because the Sun is shining on a part of it that isn't visible to us. A new moon has spiritual meanings as well. It is a powerful phase that symbolizes new beginnings for us as well, and you'll want to use that energy to start something exciting, reflect back on old goals, and set new ones. It's also an ideal time to meditate to really figure out what you want and need, and there are some meditations for the December new moon you should definitely try out.
A new moon is all about manifesting your dreams and desires, setting intentions, initiating new relationships, and reflecting on your goals. There are plenty of meditations out there that will help you do all of that on another, more powerful level. They'll help you get into the right frame of mind, and keep you calm, centered, and focused so that you can actually get what you want done. There are so many times where we feel ready to do something new, it's just getting there that's the issue - and the right meditation can help push you along so that you're feeling more motivated without feeling more overwhelmed.
A meditation can also be a great part of a new moon ritual, which Wishing Moon says is important in order to "fulfill our visions and make our desires come true." A ritual should be relaxing, quiet, and calming, and it's best to do them in the beginning of a new moon, a few hours before it rises.
Balance For Life says that during a new moon meditation, "You begin to create for yourself a ‘new’ beginning, purpose, intention and direction. You look at new ways of thinking, being and acting to move you out of a ‘rut’. You take action as you plant positive ideas in your subconscious mind. You are able to begin new projects. You are able to pray for new beginnings, hope and a youthful outlook. You transform doubt, worry and anxiety into hope, strength, courage and peace." Below are a few meditations that work well with the energy surrounding the new moon.
1Guided Meditation For Amazing Beginnings
This easy and fast (only 16 minutes) meditation will help you set intentions, as well as feel more positive.
2New Moon Deliberate Creation Meditation
At a little over 30 minutes, this meditation is longer, but it promises to help you manifest your desires, balance your chakras, open your psychic senses, and raise your vibrations.
3Manifesting and Abundance Guided Meditation
This soothing guided meditation also focuses on manifesting, as well as embracing a positive outlook towards life. It's recommended to use it about 24 hours before the new moon and then use it at least once a day until the next full moon.
4New Moon Guided Meditation
Like many other meditations for the new moon, this one focuses on helping you set intentions and manifest. At only 22 minutes, it's basically the perfect length of time.
5New Moon in Sagittarius
This December new moon rises in Sagittarius, and this meditation focuses on that. It's a perfect way to get your head in the right place.
6Guided Meditation for Setting Intentions
This is a great meditation for anyone looking for a fresh start. It's all about setting intentions and getting ready for something new. At eight minutes, it's also something that pretty much everyone can make time for.
7New Moon Guided Meditation For a New You
This meditation will help you get a clean slate so that you're ready for a new beginning. It will basically help you get rid of the old negative energy to make room for positive energy.
8Guided Meditation for New Moon in Sagittarius
This meditation was made for the energy of a new moon and the vibes of Sagittarius, making it perfect to use right now. It's also ideal for anyone who gets distracted by background music as it doesn't feature any.