In order to help combat stereotypes about Muslim women and acknowledge all the positive things they do, the first ever Muslim Women's Day took place on March 27. But let's not make this the only day we honor muslim women's contributions. There are a ton of ways to support Muslim women on a daily basis, and given the Islamophobia rampant within our society, we should all be taking part in them.
The site MuslimGirl.com created Muslim Women's Day so that we can "hear from a community that’s often talked about but rarely given the chance to speak," according to a blog post by its founder and editor-in-chief Amani Al-Khatahtbeh. "In the age of social media and the internet, we’re only one click away from changing that. Contrary to what people might think, Muslim women talk back."
And non-Muslim women should be speaking up for them, too. In order for our feminism to count, it has to be intersectional, which means (among other things) that it fights racial injustice along with gender inequality. If you want to elevate women's status in our society, it's important to lift up all women, Muslim women included. So, here are some ways you can support Muslim women during and long after Muslim Women's Day.
1Share Their Work On Social Media
By "work," I mean everything from art and writing to tweets and 'grams that send important messages. Use your social media following to make sure less privileged voices get heard.
2Donate To A Muslim Advocacy Group
There are a ton of organizations out there working to help Muslims in the U.S. and around the world, like Muslim Advocates, which aids with anti-discrimination lawsuits, and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which combats racial profiling of Muslim Americans. Here's a full list of organizations you can donate to.
3Contact A Representative
Thanks to Facebook's new Town Hall feature, it's now easier than ever to contact a representative to express your views. Through a simple call or email, you can not only express your dissent for anti-Muslim policies like Trump's travel ban but also let your representatives know you support their more inclusive policies.
4Call Out Intolerant Voices
If you're in a position of privilege, it's your responsibility to say something when someone else expresses an intolerant view. Let them know that Muslims are not all terrorists, Muslim women are not all disempowered, and any other stereotypes they might believe are false.
5Educate Yourself
In order to educate others as well as possible, you also need to educate yourself. Read sites like MuslimGirl.com or even one of these books to better understand Islam so that you can speak up for your Muslim sisters in a way that supports them.
6Support Victims Of Violence
In response to attacks on mosques and other acts motivated by Islamophobia, some people have sent donations, cards, or gifts to the victims. The Bellevue Mosque, for example, raised nearly $500,000 to get rebuilt after it was set on fire. After a tragedy occurs, research whether any fundraising efforts are occurring, or just send a supportive message to let its targets know there are people that support them.
7Join Protests
When people near you are protesting anti-Muslim policies, show up to let Muslims and the rest of the world know you stand in solidarity with them.