7 Of Victoria Beckham's Most Feminist Quotes That Prove Girl Power Runs In Her Veins

Victoria Beckham is a Queen. Let's face it, this is a fact and really can't be disputed. She's made the seamless transition from pop royalty to fashion mogul while trademarking some staple looks (who could forget the oversized sunglasses and the "pob"). Throughout her career her evolution has been incredible, and each year she has managed to stay a style icon through and through. But even though she's evolved from her Spice Girls days, she's always Posh Spice at heart, one of the original purveyors of '90s girl power, and these Victoria Beckham feminist quotes prove it.
The Spice Girls spent the '90s and early '00s spreading girl power across the globe and showing us just how powerful the sisterhood is. For many of us they were our earliest feminist icons and we watched as they defined female empowerment. Even after VB hung up her LBD and platform heels and closed the chapter on her Spice Girls days, she has continued to use her voice to help other women. From being named a goodwill ambassador to her charitable endeavours, VB has shown us that you really can have it all.
So listen up and keep reading, because we could definitely learn a thing or two from the OG Posh Spice.
1On Women Supporting Women
"I have no time for women who don't support other women. It's the ultimate compliment when a woman tells you that you look good."
Spoken like a true feminist. In an interview with Grazia, VB talked about supporting women and I have a lot of time for this because she's quite literally preaching the gospel.
2On Being A Role Model
"The only time I get upset by things written about me [is] when people write irresponsible things about my weight. I appreciate that young girls look up to me. And I take that very seriously."
Beckham is totally aware of her reach to young women as she told Metro. While she didn't choose to be a role model, she knows how important it is to try to spread messages of positivity.
3On Fighting Preconceptions
"I was very aware that people would have preconceptions because I was a Spice Girl and I was married to a footballer. So I knew what people were thinking, but I really didn’t focus on that. I was very focused on what I wanted to do."
Iconic. Her self awareness and strength when talking to WWD is admirable. She hasn't let the media's preconceptions deter her from going after what she wanted. This is a boss mentality if ever I've heard one.
4On Making Her Shop Inclusive
"In my store anyone and everyone is welcome"
Designer labels have long discouraged people from entering if they thought they weren't buying or couldn't afford the clothes, as immortalised in that Pretty Woman scene. But VB is teaching us the days of discrimination are gone. In this quote from Elle you can see that VB's feminism is inclusive AF.
5On Her Work Ethic
"I've always been a worker. I've never expected to be given anything."
The media has long tried to undermine Beckham's success by painting her to be entitled. But Beckham tells Marie Claire how hard she's worked for all that she has and it's a reminder that women can and should own their success.
6On Marriage
"I have the support of an incredible husband. We really are equal with everything we do at home with the children."
VB is promoting her views not just in public but at home too as she says to Forbes.
7On Standing Up For Other Women
"I'm going to speak on behalf of the incredible women and the incredible charities who are working so desperately hard in these countries. I'm going to lend my voice to them because for some reason people listen to me. I need to use what I have to make a difference."
After being named a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Beckham said this at the UN meeting. VB recognises her privilege but uses her platform to raise awareness for inequality and stand up for feminism. A global icon.